Prayer For Policemen

Oh Almighty God, whose great power and eternal wisdom embraces the


Watch over all policemen and law enforcement officers.

Father in Heaven please give them the strength, courage and perseverance to

endure unjust condemnation, danger, and physical abuse to which they are at

times subjected.

We recommend them to your loving care because their duty is dangerous.

Dear God, grant these brave men and women your almighty protection,

Unite them safely with their families after duty has ended.


God, the Lord of all that was and is and is to come, the visible and the invisible. We lift before
you these officers and first responders as they contend with the invisible enemy: the Covid-19
virus. Assure them by your almighty and unshakable power that you shall prevail against the
cosmic powers of this present darkness [Ephesians 6:12].
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our/my prayer.

God, you assemble the peoples of the earth into one family, one body of Christ. Guide, uphold,
and assist police officers and first responders as they strive to keep citizens safe and healthy,
knowing that with every shooting victim taken to the hospital, there is one less bed for a Covid19 patient; one more medical team stretched beyond its capacity; and knowing that every officer
who falls ill diminishes the team. If one member of our human family suffers, all suffer with them
[1 Corinthians 12:26]. Lord, in your mercy, Hear our/my prayer.

Sometimes, Righteous Father, I have to make life and death decisions in a slit second and I cannot always stop to think about it since there may not be time and so I ask You Father to help me make wise decisions while carrying out the performance of my duties. When I am in situations where I don't have much time to decide what to do, I ask for Your great wisdom in doing what is best for everyone while also protecting my own life and not just those of the local citizens. I need the wisdom from above that is not from below as Your wisdom is superior to that of man and to I put my trust in You and ask for You to make it clear what I should do in difficult decisions when I might not have time to wait and think about it. I ask in the name of and for the glory of the coming King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ, amen.

Great God in heaven, ruler of heaven and earth, I am praying for our local police officers but also for firefighters and emergency medical staff too and ask for your protection for them today and to watch over them from above and to guide them in their decision making as they do their duties. Please hold them firmly in your caring hands and to keep them from danger so that they can protect us from those who would seek to harm us. Give them the strength to carry on when tragedy strikes, to give them the courage to face the dangers that are so present in this world, and to watch over their own families too as they also need the comfort and prayers of the community and so for these things I pray and for the glory and honor of the name in which I pray, Jesus Christ, amen.

O Almighty God, Whose great power and eternal Wisdom embraces the universe, Watch over all policemen and Law enforcement officers everywhere.
Protect them from harm In the performance of their duty To stop crime, robbery, Riots and violence.
We pray, help them keep our streets And homes safe, day and night.
We commend them to your loving care Because their duty is dangerous.
Grant them strength and courage In their daily assignments. Dear God, protect these brave men and women.
Grant them your almighty protection, Unite them safely with their families after Duty has ended.
Please God, grant us this wish.

Mighty God, thank you that you are the light of the world providing perfect guidance to our lives. We pray that you would bring your light into the work of our police officers and give them guidance and direction as they carry out their work. When they face difficult decisions in the heat of the moment we ask that you would fill them with your Holy Spirit that they may act wisdom and care. We praise you as our Savior and Lord, our Conqueror and our King. Your blood has redeemed us and lifted us up into your presence. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Compassionate Father, thank you that you give us victory over our enemies. Bless our police officers as they defend us and work for our safety. Give them victory in the situations they face ahead of them today. Protect our officers from the dangers they face on a daily basis. Give them a vision for sacrificial service that reflects your great sacrifice for us. May they know that they are encompassed in your love. To you, our God, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.