Prayer For Police Officers Safety

Dear God,

Please be with the men and women in uniform, who bravely serve our communities and nation every single day. We ask that you cover them with your protection, that you would be their guiding force who leads the way, and their rear guard who keeps them safe from behind. We ask that you would draw them to yourself amidst the dangers they face in a dark world, for you are the Truth, you are the Way, you are the Light.

For the protection of all police and first responders who risk their lives daily to ensure our safety; for fair and just policing that will promote peace and wellbeing in all our neighborhoods, let us pray to the Lord.

We thank you, O Lord, for the women and men in law enforcement, for their willingness to answer the call to protect and serve, and for their dedication to the safety, well-being, and protection of others.

Send your holy angels to stand guard and keep watch over them. May their names be always on the lips of your saints in prayer.

Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; fill them with wisdom for the decisions they face; give them courage to handle the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be.

God, your angel told Elizabeth and Mary that with you nothing will be impossible [Luke 1:37].
Your power is limitless despite human limitations. Look now upon officers and first responders,
dispatchers and detectives, who cannot meet face-to-face and must find new ways to coordinate
their work. They must do more with less, even as the invisible enemy continues to grow. Send
your mighty power upon them.
Lord, in your mercy

God from whose love we can never be separated, be with the most vulnerable among usthose
who live without shelter. Officers meet them face-to-face every day, and witness their struggles
to shelter in place. They witness their struggles to social distance, when doing so can bring
despair and the death of their fragile spirit. Let all the vulnerable among us know that neither
height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of
God in Christ Jesus our Lord [Romans 8:39] and give police officers the grace to serve and protect
them. Lord, in your mercy, Hear our/my prayer.

Father God, You alone know everything that will happen today and so I pray for Your protection as I prepare for duty today, not knowing what is to come, but knowing that You know every detail and so I ask You to give me wisdom in the performance of my duty to make wise decisions, to keep citizens safe from harm, and to do so in a way that honors You and glorifies You because You put Your Son, Jesus Christ, in harm's way so that I might be saved and that is truly the greatest gift that can be given, so I pray Lord, give me guidance to make wise choices and for others who trust me whom I will encounter today and compassion for those who need me and to You I ask in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Eternal Father, thank you that you make all things work together for the good of those who are called according to your purposes. Please hear my prayer as I lift up our police officers before you now. Bless and protect them Lord and use their work for the good of our nation and your glory. Supply them with the grace they need for everything that lies before them today. Help them, along with us and all your people around the world, to grow into maturity in Christ. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that your plans are to prosper us not to harm us. We pray for the success and prosperity of our police officers as they work and we ask that you would protect them from harm. Give them endurance in their work and encouragement that their service is vital for the safety of our communities. May we join with all the saints throughout history in declaring your wisdom, love and power. Your salvation is the joyful news that fills our hearts. In your mighty name, Amen.