Prayer For Police Officer

God who calls all humanity to serve, you called police officers and first responders to their
professions to protect and to save. You gifted them so that they might bring their best training
and experience to bear. Receive the anxiety they feel as they sense and respond to the heightened
anxiety in our communities. You are the God who said, Do not fear, for I am with you; I am
your God. [Isaiah 41:10] Strengthen, help, and uphold them now in this time of need.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our/my prayer.

Gracious God, during the pandemic, I/We pray this day for police officers and first responders at
[name of police or fire department]; for patrol officers, dispatchers, detectives, firefighters, and
mountain rescuers. In particular, I/We lift before you these beloved ones: [names of particular
police or first responders for whom you wish to pray].
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our/my prayer

Oh Righteous Father, I trust You in everything that I do and in every place that I go and I ask You to protect me and those who are putting their lives on the line every day. In this increasingly dangerous world, law enforcement officers are on the front line and that means that I too am placing my life on the line with each call that I make and I ask you to go with me today in my duties to help me to not be caught off guard and to trust in You to keep me safe from harm. I know that You have established all authorities and powers (Rom 13:1-5) and that law enforcement officers are an extension of Your sovereignty over mankind and so please help me to honor You in my duties today and in the priceless name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Lord, You know the internal and external battles they face on a daily basis. Even as our police officers risk their lives to protect us, dear God, protect them also.

Be a shield for them according to Psalm3:3. Lift up their countenances and be their comfort in the face of disheartening circumstances.

Psalm 3:3 Bible Verse
But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head. Psalm 3:3

Give them the courage and ability it takes to always do what is right and necessary.

As David declared in Psalm 23:4, I ask that our officers remain assured of Your presence even in the face of the gravest of dangers.

Almighty God we pray to you
In heaven up above
Watch over our dear police officers
And protect them with your love.

Please guide them as they keep us
safe both day and night
And hold them firmly in your care
should danger come their way.

Give them true strength and courage
As they serve til duty's end
And one more thing to ask dear Lord
Protect their family and their friends.


Thank you for police officers and law enforcement everywhere.

They devote their lives to keeping us safe, and in doing so they demonstrate the sacrificial love that you first showed us.

Please continue to protect them in the face of danger.

Give them wisdom and clarity when making tough decisions and fill them with your integrity.

I also ask that you would give peace to their families and loved ones.

I pray this in Jesus' name.

Mighty God, thank you that you are the wellspring of eternal life. As our police officers protect and serve our community we pray for them today. Keep them safe in times of trouble. Give them strength in times of weariness. Give them joy in times of sorrow. Give them hope in times of despair. May they know their identity as children created in your image and give them encouragement as they serve day after day. Lift them up with all your people in purity, righteousness and hope. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Generous Father, thank you that your word always accomplishes your purposes. We pray for our police officers, that they would abide in you and be fruitful in their work. We thank you for providing them to work for our safety. In the danger that they face, we ask that you would provide protection and safety. May they absorb your word into their hearts and work with honesty and love for those whom they serve. To you be glory and honor, forever and ever. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.