Prayer For Police Officers

Grant us the skill, and the wisdom, to make us always stronger
in protecting and supporting the community.
Guide us in knowing when to enforce and when to relax the
letter of the law.
Help us to be a personal example of the honesty, the goodness,
and the justice which it is our duty to maintain, and grant that
our actions will inspire in our community confidence in its
police officers.
We make our prayer to you, confident of your love and your

God of all people, we know it is from you that we have learned
what goodness and justice are. You have given us the task of
maintaining law and order in our community.
We seek the strength to meet the many challenges encountered
in this endeavor.
Give us the courage and the resolution to do our duty at all
times, and such a respect and love for justice that neither
promise nor threat will ever make us depart from it.
Help us with your guidance to be the Guardian and the Friend
of the whole community; a friend to children, an example to
youth, a counselor and adviser to all citizens.

Lord I ask for courage

Courage to face and conquer my own fears

Courage to take me where others will not go

I ask for strength

Strength of body to protect others and strength of spirit to lead others

I ask for dedication

Dedication to do my job and do it well. Dedication to my community to keep it safe.

Give me Lord, concern for others who trust me and compassion for those who need me..

And Please Lord through it all be at my side.

God whose peace surpasses all understanding, be with those people for whom home does not
offer a sanctuary. Obliged to shelter at home, victims of domestic violence are now at
heightened risk, and those who respond to their calls for help are likewise endangered. Let all in
danger find a ready sanctuary in you [Exodus 25:8] and let those who love violence know your
very soul despises them. [Psalm 11:5]
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our/my prayer.

God of comfort, God of all mercy, as citizens act out their pain and fear in ways detrimental to
their own wellbeing, it also threatens the wellbeing of those who respond to calls for help. You
promised to be near to the brokenhearted, and to save the crushed in spirit. [Psalm 34:18] Be with
your people now in their distress, and protect those who respond to their calls for help.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our/my prayer.

Lord God my Father, I pray that You would give me and my fellow officer's strength and courage in the fields of battle that we may encounter today. It is so unpredictable today, even making a traffic stop, so help me not take any chances in the line of duty for me today. May our missions to protect and to serve always be for honorable and just causes for which we are called. Please guide our leaders to act with wisdom and compassion and those who work with me in law enforcement and help us to protect and to defend the rights of the innocent for which we were sworn to do. I would also ask you Lord, to watch over our loved ones while we are far from home but also, when we are in harm's way, protect us from injury and I pray not only for peace in the community but please grant us safety today and all of this I ask in the great name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Lord of the Nations, thank you that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that you are God. As we pray for the police officers in our community today, we ask that they would carry our role as representatives of your authority. We pray that they would use the power and authority you have given them wisely, carrying out their responsibility to serve and protect us. We pray that you would protect them from temptation and deliver them from evil. May we be filled with all the fullness of God. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that there is nowhere we can go that is beyond your presence. We pray for our police officers today that they would know that you are with them as they work in our community. Give them calm minds and peaceful hearts as they deal with the challenges they face in their work. We ask that you would lead them on the path of righteousness and that they would live as children of the light. You are the everlasting king and you invite us to abide in you until you return to usher in your perfect kingdom. In your mighty name, Amen.