Prayer For Pastor And First Lady

Almighty God, by your Word you laid the foundations of the earth, set the bounds of the sea, and still the wind and waves. Surround us with your grace and peace, and preserve us through this coronavirus pandemic. By your spirit, life up those who have fallen, strengthen those who work to rescue or rebuild, and fill us with the hope of your new creation; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Look with mercy, O God our Father, on all whose increasing years bring them weakness, distress, or isolation. Provide for them homes of dignity and peace; give them understanding helpers, and the willingness to accept help; and as their strength diminishes, increase their faith and their assurance of your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

O God, will you bless our pastor's wive? Bless her with provisions for her daily needs. Bless her with the secret desires of her heart. Let her be seen by her husband today. I pray she will know the deep personal presence of you, O God. Hold her close today as she ministers for you. Give her fruit for her labor. Amen.

O Father, draw _______ to you today. Her life is rough; there are critics; and she maybe worn down. Lift her up and comfort her. Reveal to the people around her (including me) what she might need. Even though she might not ask for it, let us try and help meet her needs today. Let her find comfort in sharing her heart with others and find peace in you. Amen.

Father, we pray for our pastor and his first lady. Give them a heart for You, Father, one that wants Your will more than anything in this life. Because they trust in You, may they pray faithfully, laugh heartily, and love without reservation.

Father, be with our pastors and his wife today. May they go into this day gladly, with full excitement, knowing they are doing exactly what you've called them to do. May they enjoy to the hilt the privilege of living the high calling of God upon their lives.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the position you have given to Pastor's all around the world. Thank you for trusting them with your Word. Thank you for their wives, who support them, love them, and serve them. I pray that you would strengthen their marriages everyday. I pray for the pastor's wife right now. May your Holy Spirit empower her to continue sowing, to continue doing good. Bless her Lord. Equip her to do your will. I pray against any temptation that would come to tear her down or hold her in bondage. I pray against the schemes of the enemy and I pray against his attack on marriage. May you send people to encourage her today and every day. Remind her daily of her value and the love you have for her. Reveal to her the purpose for why she is where she is. Refine her and fill her with your wisdom. May your peace and joy abound in her heart in Jesus name AMEN!

In Jesus' name, _____ shall fight the good fight of faith, fleeing from evil to God by pursuing righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness (1 Tim. 6:12). I praise You, Lord, that You have taken hold of this special shepherd in the personal experience of eternal life.