Prayer For Pastor And Wife

Dear Father,
Today was one of those days- You know the ones. When life just doesn't make sense. When the world seems so unfairBecause it is unfair. We need You Lord. I need you. I need you to wrap your arms around me and my wife. Help me understand that it's a good thing I don't understand everything. How can I possibly comprehend Your plan of the entire world? You are God. And I am not. You spoke the world into existence. You shaped humans from dust. And only you can create beauty from ashes.

I thank You Father that they are committed to You, to doing good, casting all their cares upon You, for You care for them. That they are sober, vigilant, continually resisting the devil, and steadfast in their faith. Father, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle them in Jesus' name.

Father, I thank You that You're perfecting everything concerning them.
Anoint them with fresh oil. Satisfy them with good things, So that their youth is renewed like the eagle's. In old age they shall still bear fruit, and be fresh and flourishing. With a long life You will satisfy them. Amen

Glorious God, we pray that our pastor and his wife will seek You with all of their heart. Help them never to stray from Your commands. May they hide Your Word in their heart so that they will not sin against You (Psa. 119:10-11). Give them deep desire to meditate on Your precepts and to consider Your ways. May he delight in Your decrees and never neglect Your Word (Psa. 119:15-16). Give them understanding so that they will keep your law and obey it with all of their heart. Direct them in the path of Your commands where they will find delight. Turn their heart toward Your statutes and not toward selfish gain, and turn his eyes away from worthless things. Preserve their life according to Your Word (Psa. 119:34-37).

Dear Lord, I pray for this woman; my pastor's wife. She shares her home and heart with a congregation of your people. Let her feel loved today. Hold her close and heal any hurting parts. Continue to work in her the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, and peace. Give her hope in you and soothe her with the truth from your word. Amen.

Dear Lord, as I come to pray for this woman, my pastor's wife, let me name her: ______. You see her not in her role, but who she is in you: daughter, beloved, forgiven, and enough. Satisfy the longings of her heart and keep her eyes focused on you. I pray your word speaks to her today. I pray for whatever desire she has, you will meet it beyond what she could even imagine! Amen.

. I pray that the ultimate cry of her heart will always be to honor Christ and that she will remain on the path to a long obedience in that direction even though she will fail and take a few steps backward at times

. . . I pray for rich community and fellowship among solid believers firmly rooted in Christ

. . . I pray that the words Abba Father will mean more to her heart than to her head

. . . I pray that she will always know that Jesus Christ is under her as her foundation, in front of her as her shepherd, and within her as her righteousness

. . . I pray that she will be eternally fascinated and astonished by the Gospel and that it will transform every aspect of her life.

. I pray for authentic, loving, non-judgmental, supportive friendships

. . . I pray for grace beyond understanding when she must share her husband with those who are unkind to him

. . . I pray for freedom from guilt when she is unable to do ALL that is expected of her from dozens and dozens (or maybe even hundreds or thousands) of people

. . . I pray for happy surprises and unexpected blessings on a regular basis

. . . I pray for strength when her husband walks away again to care for someone other than her

. . . I pray for understanding when her husband speaks gently and patiently to those he counsels but becomes frustrated with her for needing similar counsel

. . . I pray for creativity and energy in loving her husband well in order to minimize his stress and make him happy