Prayer For Pastor Before Sermon


May our hearts flutter as we dig deep and discover truths in Your Word that will minister to this day. May our minds be clear as we strive to rightly divide and apply those Truths. May our hands tremble at the solemnity of the realization that it is Your Word we hold before those who hear us. May our cheeks be moist with emotion as we express the urgency of accepting Your Son. May our voice be clear as we proclaim Your grace, mercy, and love. And may our rest be comfortable as we have done our best to do Your Will in our lives and our teaching.

In Jesus Name,


Dear Father in Heaven,

There are times, in our weakness when we don't know how to pray. It is during these times that we are thankful the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. It is during times like these that we are most thankful that our Savior stands in Your presence as our mediator. Dear God, we are thankful that You know our heart, that You know us better than we know ourselves.

As Your men prepare to proclaim Your Word during these trying times, we ask that You grant us a special measure of Your grace. Father help us to preach what we have prepared in a way that will glorify You and that will encourage those who are hurting. May we be aware of the pain in the lives of those who hear us, even as we are aware of our own pain. Help us to bring Your glorious Word to strengthen the weak and comfort the brokenhearted.

In the Name of our Wonderful Savior we Pray,


Lord, We pray that the messages that they have planned will meet the need of the hour. We pray that as they deliver them, whether online or in person, the hearts of people will be pricked, and lives will be transformed.

Help Your men to remember that we serve a God who is big, who is strong, and who is mighty. May all of Your men lean faithfully and rest securely on Your mighty arm.

In the Powerful Name of Jesus, we Pray, Amen.

Father, we pray for our pastors as they open Your word to study. Bless their minds with sharpness, with understanding and joy in making discoveries in Your Word. May they see how Your truth applies in this life and our world.

Show them the connections between various doctrines, and call to mind lessons You have taught them in years past that are needed for this sermon.

May they wait on You, not rushing, not demanding, and not assuming. Give them a patient heart that wants nothing in the world so much as to know Your will and to please You. Give them good teachers and advisors, excellent study helps, and faithful insights into Your Word. Amen

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are holy. You reprove, rebuke, and exhort us as followers of Jesus Christ. Thank you for setting our pastor in place to imitate this example. Give our pastor confidence to continue these things. Draw our pastor closer to you with an open heart to love you more.


Dear Heavenly Father,

You draw each of us to your heart. Draw our pastor deeper into your love with an open heart to follow Your will with increased wisdom and understanding. Give our pastor the stamina needed to continue serving You and to lead this congregation well.


I pray that the eyes of my pastor may be enlightened to know the hope to which we are called and know the riches of our glorious inheritance in the saints. Let my pastor know the incomparable great power which is in us who believe (Eph. 1:1819). Let _____ see the full revelation of Jesus Christ (Gal. 1:12). Place in him/her a desire to know Christ and the power of His resurrection (Phil. 3:10).

Lord, I stand against the enemies of my pastor's prayer life: busyness (Acts 6:24), compulsions, compromise (Acts 5), unnecessary phone calls, chronic counselees, fatigue, sleepiness (Mt. 26:41), appetites, television, late meetings, over-commitments, and doubt. Let nothing hinder _____'s time with You. Let my pastor rise up to seek You (Mk. 1:35), pray with other pastors (Acts 1:14), and pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17). Give my pastor the time, the desire, and the place to pray (Acts 16:16). I rebuke in the name of Jesus any distractions from my pastor's devotional life.