Prayer For Pastor Leaving

Eternal God, you continually call your people to new
tasks and set before them new opportunities. We thank you for your servant[s], [Name
of pastor and spouse, if appropriate] and [his/her/their] years of ministry in your Church.
By your Spirit, prosper those deeds done according to your will; and grant [them] grace
to continue your work in this new season of [his/her/their] life; through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.

Eternal God, you hold the times and seasons, endings
and beginnings, in your hands. We give you thanks for our time together, for work
accomplished, for joys and pains woven into the fabric of our common life. Grant to us
all the guidance of your Holy Spirit, that fears and uncertainties about the future be
transformed into the confidence that belongs to the children of God. May each day be
received as a sacred trust and lived to your glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Let us pray. Gracious God, we ask your blessing upon [Name] as [he/she] leaves
us to serve our country. Watch over [him/her], protect [him/her], and assure
[him/her] of your abiding presence in every situation. Grant [him/her] strength
and courage to overcome every trial and temptation. Grant [him/her] the peace of
knowing that there is nothing that can ever separate [him/her] from your love. We
now send [him/her] forth with our blessing and with our prayer for yours. Amen.

Father, encourage our pastors. Let them see things happening in the lives of your people that affirm their leadership. Guide them in the choices on where to invest their time and energies, whom to visit, to counsel, to help, and how to make the most of this day. Amen

God, draw pastors near to the throne of grace so that they may receive mercy in a time of need. Amen

God, equip
pastors with all
the resources
required to ful
fill the plans you
have for them. Amen

Father, heal my shepherd's heart of any grief caused by ministry. Bestow on my pastor a crown of beauty instead of ashes and anoint him/her with the oil of gladness instead of mourning. Clothe my shepherd with a garment of praise instead of a spirit of depression. I call my pastor an oak of righteousness, a planting of the Lord to display Your splendor (Is. 61:3).

O Lord, take my pastor's hand so that he/she will not fear. Lead my pastor through difficult times. Let my pastor know that You are near and that You are his/her God. My pastor will not be dismayed. You will strengthen my pastor and help and uphold him/her with Your righteous right hand (Is. 41:10).