Prayer For Pastors

Gracious Father, may our pastor's messages and preaching come to us, not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that our faith might not rest on the wisdom of man, but upon Your power (1 Cor. 2:4-5). Help him never to depend upon his own might or power, but always upon Your Spirit, Lord Almighty (Zech. 4:6). May You, the God of hope, fill our pastor with all joy and peace as he trusts in you, so that he may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 15:13).

Father, we pray for our pastors as they deal with problems that come their way.

Give them wisdom and patience in dealing with difficult church members, understanding and love in helping the hurting, and courage and strength to handle the thrusts of the enemy whose purpose is always to kill, steal, and destroy.

Remind them daily that they are more than an overcomer through Him who loved us. And Father, as they deal with obstacles and problem people, give them a strong corps of godly colleagues who will stand with them and have their back.

May they never feel abandoned or forsaken, either by You or by us. Amen

Father, we pray for the ones You have sent to our churches. They are yours and not ours. We are stewards responsible to You for how we treat them and follow their leadership.

Give us appreciative hearts, Father, and give our pastors courage to boldly declare the Word You have given them, no matter whose toes are stepped on.

May they work to please You and not us. And when they displease some by doing their job faithfully, may we stand by in full support, outspokenly thanking You for such leaders.

O Lord, make them the kind of people who crave nothing so much as to please You and fear nothing but causing You displeasure. For Jesus' sake. Amen.

We are praying for all pastors to excel and bring God glory. I know that he appreciates them and so do we. When they live a fearless life, they will not fail.

God bless you!

God, we pray
for the spiritual,
emotional, and
physical wellbeing of pastors.

For every pastor, O Lord,
I pray for clarity of call and clarity of conscience.
I pray for physical health and spiritual vitality.
I pray for emotional stability and spiritual sensitivity.
Restore unto us both the joy of our salvation and the joy of ministry,
That the fire in our bones will be transformed into the energy and enthusiasm with which we serve.

In the name of the One who calls us, who encourages us, who empowers us, and the One who has promised to be with us until the end of the age and beyond. Amen

I pray for pastors to have endurance. I pray for pastors to work intentionally and intelligently, to carefully manage the demands of an unpredictable schedule, to faithfully practice Sabbath-keeping, and to respond with tough love to those occasional high maintenance saints who can become like thorns in the flesh and pains in all of the wrong places.

I pray for pastors to be anointed with a fresh dose of courage. These are stressful times and it is no time for your shepherds to be sheepish. You did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of courage, so help us as pastors to speak and act courageously with moral and ethical conviction for causes that are just and right. Help us to act with courageous conviction in living and preaching the good news to all people regardless of ethnicity, creed, or economic status. And help us to have the courageous insight to navigate our congregations toward the ways of Christ, and away from any popular fads, trends and perceived shortcuts to growth that both trivialize the gospel and minimize the Christian experience.