Prayer For Pastor Before Preaching

Lord, when we are honest, we admit that at times due to circumstances we have all struggled with our faith. Please help Your preachers to endure, to grow in their faith, and to share that enduring faith with as many as possible. May all of us who preach Your Word have the faith we need to encourage those who hear us on Sunday.

In the Name of the Author & Finisher of our Faith, we pray, Amen.

Dear Father in Heaven,

We are thankful for the faith of the men who will preach Your Word on Sunday. We give you thanks for those who instilled faith in their hearts and minds. We thank You that this faith leads them to trust You and Your Truth. We give you thanks the faith of Your men during days of doubt and uncertainty.

God, give
pastors insight
to fearlessly
make known the
mystery of the
gospel whenever
they speak. Amen

God, thank
you for pastors
who answer your
call to preach the
riches of Christ.

I pray for pastors to be effective preachers. I pray for us to be both prophets and poets, who tell the truth and love the people. I pray for pastors to speak with authority from on high and yet have street savvy, so that we can simultaneously be heavenly minded and do some earthly good. In a world filled with bad news, I pray for pastors to be articulate and welcomed voices of good news, bringing your right word at the right time.

Lord, by Your Holy Spirit, anoint _____ to preach, and bring apostolic results (Acts 2:37). As my pastor speaks the Word, let signs and wonders follow confirming it (Mk. 16:20). Let the sick be healed; let the oppressed be set free. Anoint _____ with the truth (Mt. 16:17). Let people be cut to the heart and accept Jesus Christ.

Bless my pastor with rich study time (Acts 6:4, 2 Tim. 2:15).
As _____ preaches, let him/her proclaim Jesus Christ (Col. 1:28). Let my pastor's preaching be in the energy of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Lord God, without whose daily grace none could stand, we earnestly entreat you now to forgive Theophilus all his shortcomings and failures in your service, and to endow him with a calm mind and a peaceful heart as he concludes his days of active service. Remind him that your ways are not our ways, and your thoughts are not our thoughts, and that the seeds he sowed and planted and watered during his ministry often only bear fruit in your good time, unseen and unknown except by you.

Our times are in your hands, O God. Bless Theophilus now in this new season of his life and this new chapter in his calling, that his remaining years may be full and fruitful, and assure him of his place, by your grace, among the great cloud of witnesses, living and dead, who have witnessed to your truth and lived out your love. And when his days come to an end grant him the gift of peace and the assurance of everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.