Prayer For Pastor Anniversary

May the grace of God never depart from you, may the lord continue to shower you with his anointing from heaven, may you never lack anything good throughout the rest of your life and may you continue to abide in the house of the lord now and forever more. Amen

Dear pastor, you have taught us through your words how to love and appreciate people's effort, to show you that we are a good listener of your words and your teaching, we are sending this wishes to show you we love and appreciate all your efforts in our life and we are indeed lucky to have a selfless person like you as our pastor.

Dearest pastor, none of your effort towards the church has been a waste and we want you to know we value all you've been doing for the church and our prayers are with you, on your special day we pray for more anointing like rain, more prosperity and long life.

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are perfect. There is no flaw in You. Thank you for calling our pastor to a holy way of living. Provide the grace needed to follow You. Increase joy in following your words. Please bring our pastor advisors who love You. May our pastor feel Your amazing love.


Lord, you're good shepherd over all,
Thank you for your special call,
On this anniversary day,
Bless our shepherd in every way,
Grant our pastor a shepherd's heart,
Help each of us to do our part,
So we be worthy, your chosen flock,
Firmly founded on Christ the Rock.
Grant our pastor many days,
Bless him, Lord, in many ways.
May his work be ever fruitful,
For which we, Lord, are most grateful.
May our pastor be faithful, Lord,
To receive from you, eternal reward,
Safe in heaven, safe with you,
May all your flock rejoice anew. Amen.

Our dear loving for who created us, we want to take this opportunity you have given us today here as we begin this celebration in our church, we praise and glorify you for your love.
Your mercies has guided us from far and wide and we are all here to remember a special person in this church whom you anointed and gave him responsibilities of guiding,nourishing,teaching and preaching your word to us.
We want to thank you because through him, you have always spoken your word with love and he has delivered it well.
Everyone in our church is very thankful for the many things you are doing to us though him, the counseling sessions he always conducts to the members it is because of your grace.
He has surrendered fully to your service and use him mightily to bless many who are yearning to hear your word not only in our church but in many parts of the word where you will send him.
As a church we want to pray for his health so that you can protect him for any attack of the devil and above all be with him when he comes in and when he goes out.
We have so much joy in our hearts today as we look back and remember the many years he has been with us, we can only think that he has joined us today but we can't imagine that it is ___(insert the years) years since he joined us.
As we share this love with the many people who came here today, may the Holy spirit teach us what is your will and the angels continue ministering to us until we finish for we pray in the name of Jesus Christ,

Father, I thank You that no weapons formed against my pastor will prosper. Every tongue raised against my shepherd will be cast down. Rumors and gossip will be turned aside. For _____ will be still before the Lord and wait on You. My pastor will dwell in the shadow of the Most High God and will be delivered from terror, darts of doubt, and diseases (Ps. 91:56). Set Your angels about my pastor (Ps. 91:11) and no power of the enemy shall harm _____ (Lk. 10:19). Thank God forevermore!

Lord, keep my pastor from comparing himself/herself with other pastors, churches, or salary packages. Guard my pastor's heart from competition and unhealthy ambitions (2 Cor. 10:18). Deliver _____ from the numbers trap, and give my pastor a genuine concern for lost souls (Lk. 19:10). Lord, You advance my pastor. Let my pastor not be caught up in any political quicksand; keep only Jacob's ladder, not a career ladder, before my pastor (Gen. 28:12).