Prayer For Pastor And His Wife

O God,
You know us better than we know ourselves. Guide us throughout our time. Empower each one of us to use our unique gifts to create a beautiful life, to share openly and honestly our thoughts, to respect the opinions of others, and to encourage humility, patience and joy. Instill in us a vision of the life you intended for us to lead. Guided by your Holy Spirit, we will be united in love and joyfully accomplish this mission, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Father, place a hedge of protection around them, around their household, and around all that they have on every side. I thank You that the angel of the Lord encamps round about them and delivers them from all evil, from the snare of the fowler, from every pestilence, and that no plague will come near their dwelling. Amen

I pray that they encourage one another, comfort, edify, and build one another up. That they stand in agreement in every area of their lives,
Letting the joy of the Lord be their strength, with the peace of God ruling in their hearts. Amen

Heavenly Father, help our pastor and his wife to be strong in Your mighty power. May they continually remember to clothe themself with Your armor so that they can take them stand against the devil's schemes. Help him to remember that his struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, authorities, and powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Help them to stand his ground and to stand firm with the belt of truth buckled around his waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with their feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of peace. In addition, help him to daily take up the shield of faith so that he can extinguish all of the flaming arrows of the evil one. May they put on the helmet of salvation and use the sword of the Spirit, Your Word. Give them the desire to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.

O Father, speak into the heart of my pastor's wife. Let her here the spirit's leading in her own devotional and her own ministry. As she serves alongside her husband, give her patience with people and a heart for you. Keep her safe from the words of the accuser and those who would accuse her. Let her know the truth: She is forever accepted just as she is in your hands. Make her believe the truth: she is perfect for this congregation. Amen.

Father, this day is hard for your servants. Help our pastorand his wife to greet the new day with enthusiasm and joy, for Monday too is the day the Lord hath made. As they assess what went on at church yesterday, perhaps with co-workers, please be present among them to guide their thoughts and conclusions.
Remind them we walk by faith, not by sight, and they are not the ultimate judges of how they did, what went right, or what God used. Direct them as they plan their week and sow the seeds of righteousness. Give them appreciation and love for one another and for the flocks You have given them. Amen

Keep my pastor and his wife in the midst of good and exciting worship. Keep my them from the traditions of men and religion which hold the form of godliness, but deny its power (2 Tim. 3:5). Give _____ a vision of heaven (Isaiah 6,Revelation 4).
With my shield of faith I cover my shepherd's mind to quench all flaming darts of doubt or vain imagination or mental distractions (Eph. 6:16, Col. 2:68). Let the mind of Christ be strong in them (1 Cor. 2:16).

We bless _______________________ with the evidence of a life dedicated to God. May the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23) become more pronounced in the life of Your child. We pray that others may see the compassion and strength of Jesus in the chosen life work of this precious young person and be encouraged in the way that leads to life eternal.
