Prayer For Pastor And His Family

Father, I pray that their family members love one another.
That they are hospitable to one another without complaint.
Serving by the strength that You supply, so that in all things You may be glorified. Amen

Gracious Lord, may our pastor fear You so that he will have a secure fortress that will always be a refuge for his children (Prov. 14:26). May he consistently teach his children to revere Your commands by following his example (Psa. 34:11), so that they might be blessed (Psa. 112:1-2). Help him to manage his family well so that his children will obey him with proper respect (1 Tim. 3:4-5). May he love his wife just as Christ loved the Church (Eph. 5:25). Help him to be considerate and respectful to her so that nothing will hinder his prayers (1 Pet. 3:7). Faithful Lord, strengthen and protect our pastor and his family against the attacks of the enemy (2 Thess. 3:3), and may their household always choose to serve You (Josh. 24:15).

O Lord, our Rock and Redeemer, may the words of our pastor's mouth and the meditation of his heart be pleasing in Your sight (Psa. 19:14).

May You, O Lord, give our pastor the desire of his heart and make all of his plans succeed (Psa. 20:4).

Lord, our God, may Your favor rest upon our pastor and establish the work of his hands (Psa. 90:17).

God of hope, may You fill our pastor with all joy and peace as he trusts in You, so that he may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 15:13).

Lord of peace, may You give our pastor and his family peace at all times and in every way (2 Thess. 3:16).

May You, the God of peace, equip our pastor with everything good for doing Your will, and may You work in him what is pleasing to You, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen (Heb. 13:20-21).

Give us all fresh confidence that there is:
no future where you are not present,
no sorrow where you are not near,
no tears not kept in your bottle,
no locust-eaten years you will not restore.

And so we trust you, our generous Provider:
if the curve does not flatten,
if the market does not pull up,
if the shelves go empty,
and if all our accounts drain to pennies
Even still, let us rejoice in the Lord, our strength;
let us take joy in the God of our salvation.

In the name of Jesus we ask, Amen.

Father, bless our pastors as they seek to bless those dearest to them. Give them wisdom as they minister to their families, relax with them, and show them love.

May their spouses feel both the love of the pastor and the solid love and appreciation of our congregation.

Take care of the children, Father. When with the family, help pastors not be distracted by the burdens of the church or the demands of the coming Lord's day. May they live in the moment with these who mean everything to them.

And show the congregation what we can do to make their lives easier, their paths smoother, their days brighter. Amen

Lord, I bring the family of our pastor into your able hands. Father, you know the desires of their hearts, fulfill them according to your will. Lord, when the enemy wants to bring down pastors, he uses their family and friends. Lord, may the family and friends of our pastor grant him peace and harmony. May they be a blessing to him and not a source of strife and contention. May our pastor find favor with his wife, children, and friends all the days of his life. When he offends them, may they be quick to forgive him. Give our pastor wisdom and knowledge on how to take good care of his loved ones. Irrespective of how tight his schedule is, help him to remember that family is his first ministry. In Jesus' name, we pray Amen.

Eternal Father,
Our pastor and his family are one in fellowship with the people of Jesus at Pikeville United Methodist Church. We give you praise that you have already supplied Pastor Willard with gifts and graces for ministry to your people. We thank you that you are opening our heart, minds, and ears to receive that which is necessary for our growth in Christ. We know the Holy Spirit desires for the fruit of the spirit to sweeten this ministry. We pray that Pastor Willard will be blessed through our staff, our leaders, and our fellowship by kindness and encouragement. We pray that his preaching and teaching will not be hindered by the enemy and that he and his family find a hedge of protection around them as we pray. Let every crooked place be made straight and every rough place smoothed (Is. 40:4) so that the glory of the Lord will be seen in this time. Grant wisdom and understanding to his mind and discernment to his heart so that Pastor Willard may lead us in harmony with your will and way.

Let our hearts remember that it is your will that we pray for our pastor. Let us be diligent with your word. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

I pray that you use them as vessels, laborers and witnesses to expand Your work in Rhema Bible Church and expand Your kingdom on earth.
Prosper them in their finances. They have the favor of their employer and co-workers.
They increase in spiritual knowledge, understanding and wisdom. They spend more time in reading, studying and learning the word of God. They increase their prayer, praise and worship time. They are more intimate in their relationship with their Lord and creator, Jesus Christ.
Father, You have been so kind and loving to all of us. Thank you so much. I know that my Pastor's family is in Your caring hands. In Jesus name I pray, amen.