Prayer For New Job Interview

Loving God, you created the human race and know each one of us by name. Through
Christ you have chosen us to be your sons and daughters, and to build up your Kingdom
on earth. Give us work so that we may share our talents with others and know the dignity
and satisfaction that you give us through our work. Give us patience while you open
doors and wisdom to see your will. Keep our families in your care, and provide for all
our needs. Never let stress diminish our love for each other nor the desire for material
things lessen our love for you. With confidence and trust we make this prayer thru Jesus.

Silent and well-known carpenter in Nazareth, model of workers, by the work of your
hands you gave your contribution to the work of the Creator, you earned your living, and
you provided for the needs of the Holy Family. Intercede for all workers, in the
difficulties of their daily lives especially for the unemployed, in their anxieties for
tomorrow, so that through the guidance of God, the great Architect and Builder, they all
may use their strength and talents to make visible God's new creation, to offer a concrete
service to society, and to earn wages worthy of their efforts. With confidence and trust
we make this prayer thru Jesus. Amen.

Dear God I need you to change myoffice work to a full time worker. And God please give us a blssing for my husband and finacial break throughas well as spiriutal protection. Thank you Lord!!

Lord, right now I receive your shalom peace. I trust you to work in and through this interview process. I trust you to provide for all my needs. And if this is your perfect fit, then let nothing stand in the way. If it is not right, then close the door and lead me quickly to the right next step. In your name I bless those who will be conducting this interview. Give them wisdom, peace and rest as well. I receive now, ahead of time, your promise I will never leave you or forsake you! I believe this and oh, do I need it. I don't go into this interview alone. You are with me. And with that confidence, I am at peace. Help me now to feel that peace. In Jesus

God, grant me favor with the interviewer I will be speaking with. Help our conversation to be encouraging. May my words be a blessing to the interviewer. Proverbs 16:24 declares, Kind words are like honey sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.

Give me the words to say and the wisdom that I need in this interaction. Make my words sweet and healthy. Use them to bring healing in the interviewer's life if they are in need. Help me know what to say and what not to say. Go before me in this interaction.

Lord, give me wisdom concerning my interview. You say in Proverbs 2:6, For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. Then, in James 1:5 You state, If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

Father, I ask that You would prepare my heart for this job interview. Prepare my mind and bring it to rest. Prepare my skills, and resume. If I am lacking anything, bring it to my remembrance. If there are any additional details that I am missing, please lead me to them and give me what I need to handle them.

Prepare my interviewer and speak to him or her. Speak to that individual on behalf of this opportunity. But ultimately, speak to him or her about Your glorious love and Kingdom. Prepare me in humility, willingness, and servanthood.

Lord, you are my vision. Come breathe your life into this day, this new horizon, this challenge that I face.
Lord, you are my rock and truth, I walk upon your grace. I will not be afraid of falling in this new position today.
Lord, you are my guiding light, come illuminate the path before me.
Lord, take this new job, take my skills and abilities, today I give you the best of all I can be.
Lord, you are my companion. Help me to enjoy the work I do in this new season of my life. Come fill my heart with your unending joy!
