Prayer For New Job Position

Lord, You command blessings upon me in my barns and in all that I put my hands to do, and You will bless me in the land which You give me. Right now, I proclaim that I will receive many job opportunities that will allow me to perform at my best, remembering You in all that I do. I speak that doors will be opened to me in every direction I turn, because Your light shines upon me. I decree and declare that unemployment is of the past and will be no more. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen!

Father, You gave me these desires, and I acknowledge them before You and act on them in this manner. Above all, I ask for wisdom and discernment, for I know that this is Your will. Close doors You would not have me walk through, that are not best for me. Open doors I never imagined that will bring You the most glory, for that is what I will most enjoy forever. Bless my prayers for new employment, for these new blessings, that I may bless others. And should this cup not pass, should You have me stay as I am, bless me in this work of dignity that I may be the salt and light of this world in this way, with a cheerful heart.

"I ask this in Your sovereign and infinitely generous Name, the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ, whom You have raised from the dead through whom You have granted me even now eternal life and fellowship with You. Amen

Lord, you know that I am unhappy with my current job. You see my suffering and frustration, and I know that You came not only to give me life but abundant life. I know that You said if I ask anything in Your name in accordance with Your will, it would be done. I ask then, if it is in accordance with Your will (and I ask that this be in accordance with Your will!), that You provide me with work to relieve me of this suffering that I may be a better servant of Yours.

Lord, help my unbelief and doubt. Teach me to remember Your exceedingly great works, Your benevolence, and the benefits that You've brought into my life. Father remind me to lean not on my understanding or that which is in front of me, but fully trust in Your Sovereign hand. God in this season as I wait patiently on Your financial provision, I trust that You are faithful and will do it. Thank you for building my faith and teaching me more of Your ways during this time. I love you.

Holy Father, please keep a hedge of protection around me and my family. Father please continue to open doors of employment that no man can close and close doors that are not consistent with Your perfect will for my life. I trust in Your ability to select the best path for my life because You know me better than anyone else. Father, protect the home and property that you've allowed me to steward. Keep my heart always consumed with you and not worldly possessions. As You continue to bless me, I will continue to be a blessing to others no matter what season I go through just as Job trusted you with all he had, I too say Though He may slay me, yet will I trust Him.

My prayer is that the Lord may come through for me and soften the hearts and tongues of my bosses as I will be facing them at different levels and times today. Also, the effectiveness and success in my career and personal life. Asking all these with a very grateful heart that the Lord has preserved my life and in the name of Jesus my Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Please God...i need your help in keeping me in my job...i have been sick and I've had to spend some time out of work, but i am better now and would love to return to work with no more sickness to prevent me from my work. I need your love and suport to see me through this and that, i may keep my good job so i can provide for my family..thank you god..and god bless me and my family

Your word declares, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).

I choose to bring all of this before You. I thank You for Your continued faithfulness throughout history and throughout my life. Also, I trust Your word and who You say You are. You are good and You are working in this world to bring Your goodness on earth as it is in heaven.

Lastly, I ask that You would give me Your peace at all times and in every way as scripture states in 2 Thessalonians 3:16. Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.