Prayer For New Love


Thank you for your great love for us. You sent your only Son to live with us and show us how to love. He gave His life for us and resurrected on that third day so that we could also be with you in eternity!

Lord, to feel just an inch of the radiance of your love and the glow from your excellence will be more than we can imagine. Knowing your love for us is humbling too.

We pray that our lives would be filled and overflowing with the power of your love so we can make a difference in this world and bring honor to you. We ask for your help in reminding us that the most important things are not what we do outwardly, it's not based on any talent or gift, but the most significant thing we can do in this life is simply to love you and to choose to love others.

Lord thank you that your love is patient. Help us show patience with those around us.

Lord thank you that your love does not take into account a wrong suffered. Lord help us not to hold grudges, but to choose to forgive, even when it's difficult.

Lord thank you that your love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. Lord help us to love your words of truth, may we walk in your freedom and wisdom. Let it be what drives our lives and choices every day.

Lord thank you that your love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, thank you that your love never fails.

Help us to love as you love. Fill us with your Spirit so that we can choose what is best. We are weak Lord, but we know also, that even when we are weak, you are strong within us. Thank you that it's not all up to us. Thank you that you equip us to face each day with the power of your love, your forgiveness, and your grace.

We love you Lord, and we need you today, and every day,

In Jesus' Name,


Lord, we thank you for your grace. You have been generous and given us so many blessings in our life. You are worthy of all of our praise and gratitude. We life up your hands to humbly worship and adore you. Empower us to follow your example in all things. Help us to become better partners for each other if that is your will. Amen.

Heavenly Father, help me to find love and happiness in my relationship. Through the fog of infatuation, I cannot tell if this is the right person for me or not. Open my eyes to help me see if this is the relationship and the path that you want me to take. If this is your will for me, help me to be a loving, compassionate and caring partner. Grant me the wisdom to choose the right path and the courage to follow you in all things. Amen.

Dear God, Loving Essence of all there is.

Please fill me with your sacred presence.

I ask for your Love and Guidance

I ask for your blessings

As I explore the deep reaches of my heart

I ask for you assistance

In releasing that which stands in the way of true love.

May I be embraced in a circle of your love

An uplifted by your grace.

And so it is.

Dear God,

My heart is pure; my intentions clear.

I ask for your guidance and your help

In finding my soul mate, my most perfect partner.

I seek a partner who enhances me by his/her very being...

Who brings more love, joy, peace and prosperity to my life...

Who I can love fully and who can fully receive my love...

Who loves, honors and cherishes me completely, and always.

May I know love when my true love comes to me.

May I let love in.

May I be willing to allow my soul to know the truth

May my heart be open and my head be clear.

May my life be ready to welcome True love.