Prayer For New Life

Lord, Make Me Your Battle Axe.
Let Every Spiritual Weakness In My Life Receive Termination Now, In The Name Of Jesus.
Let Every Financial Failure In My Life Receive Termination Now, In The Name Of Jesus.
Let Every Sickness In My Life Receive Termination Now, In The Name Of Jesus.
Let Every Architect Of Problems Receive Termination Now, In The Name Of Jesus.

We thank you, God, and we praise you, for the challenges and the choices, for all those who
stand beside us, for all who are there behind us, for all who have gone before us to preach and
prepare the way.
We thank you, God, and we praise you, rejoicing in all that we see and hear of you and your
challenging word; may we be of one mind in our mission, walk side by side in mission and
ministry, wall hand in hand through our ups and downs.

We praise you, God, and we worship you with songs that sing of relationship, with symbols that
speak our experience, with sacraments that celebrate life.
We thank you, God, for so many things: Your promise when we are discouraged, Your presence
when we are lonely, Your protection when we are in trouble.
For You call us and lead us in mission and strengthen us for our ministry through the nurturing
bonds of community and the sustaining support of friends.
We are sisters/brothers in your service, missionaries in your service, wide open to all in need.

First I thank you for your healing, your blessing, for this life inside of me. I thank you for the life you have given me, my loving supporting God fearing husband! I thank you for listening now because! you answer heart felt prayers. my heart, my soul and every bit of my body is thanking you for this answered prayer. I am a believer and I give you all, I give you all of the glory!!! Thank you for life inside of my healed whom!

For the healthy full term of this pregnancy and I thank you lord God for your love, for the love that is growing inside of me! for the positive test tomorrow! Jesus I ask and thank you for a healthy pregnancy and for your guidance with this child! I Jesus's holy name Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the joy and wonder of the autumn season. As we spend this time with friends and family, help to remember the many blessing you have bestowed upon us. As we reflect on the end of the harvest time, help us remember that you are in the business of bringing life out of death. Thank you that death does NOT have victory over us, and that spring will always come again. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


At the beginning of this new day, I offer you my life.
Come take my voice, may the words I speak be filled with encouragement and goodness.
Come take my hands, may the work they create be generous and giving.
Come take my feet, may the journeys I walk be led by your Spirit within.
Come take my life Lord, for I love your goodness, your kindness and your leading.


Lord you make all things new. Take all I am, all I care for, and all I love into your gentle arms. Come to touch and heal, mend and restore, release and minister.

Lord thank you that you make all things new. Thank you that there is always a new start in you. Thank you that today my life is being remade anew.


Lord you make all things new, the Creator who is continually nurturing, renewing, and developing every aspect of our remarkable universe. Lord you make all things new. I rest in your creative arms, I dwell in the hope of this renewal, I hope in the strength of your mighty hand.