Prayer For New Job Opportunity

When we pray in Jesus' name, we are praying, asking that God's will be done. So, when we ask in Jesus' name, we are praying under the condition that what we are asking, is God's will.

So, if it's God's will that you get an easy job, with a better salary, with happiness and contentment, that you keep for the rest of your working life, and you get along with everyone you work with, then you'll get that job, if you pray asking in Jesus' name.

If it's not God's will what you're asking, then you are praying contrary to God's will, and your prayer won't be answered.

You're better off praying that God will give you the job that He wants you to have. And He will give you the strength to work at that job.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I have been looking for a new/better job for so long now without any luck. You are now my one and only last hope. I ask in the name of your one and only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to be given a new job and that it will last me for the rest of my working life. I ask that this new job bring me happiness and contentment for the rest of my life and that I also bring happiness and contentment to the people around me. I ask that this new job be an easy one and that it will be convenient for me to travel to and from my place of residence. I ask that this new job bring me a better salary than my previous places of employment and that I get along with all the people that work with me.

Dear Lord Jesus, I know that through you, all things are possible. Please help me be free of any work related troubles for ever.

I have absolutely no doubt and one hundred percent total faith that this prayer will come true with the help of Christ, the Holy Spirit and our Almighty Father.


Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you with a heart full of thanksgiving recognizing that every good gift and every perfect present comes from You. Lord, I thank You for all that You've done and all that You're going to do. Father, I ask that You place Your hand on my finances. Father, Your word says that You have given us the ability to generate wealth. Therefore, Lord I trust in Your ability to prosper me in this time. Father grab hold of my life and teach me to prosper in this season. Holy Spirit bless the fruit of my hands, heart, and mind that I will be able to find opportunities to prosper in this season. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you with a heart full of thanksgiving recognizing that every good gift and every perfect present comes from You. Lord, I thank You for all that You've done and all that You're going to do. Father, I ask that You place Your hand on my finances. Father, Your word says that You have given us the ability to generate wealth. Therefore, Lord I trust in Your ability to prosper me in this time. Father grab hold of my life and teach me to prosper in this season. Holy Spirit bless the fruit of my hands, heart, and mind that I will be able to find opportunities to prosper in this season. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Lord, I am lost and afraid. I did nothing wrong and I'm about to lose my job due to assumptions, please lord I really enjoy my job and I feel it's what you want me to do. I ask you to please protect my family and I, I need this job and I cannot get through this without you. Please lord let them see, I am not guilty of what they accuse of. Lord please help me keep my job. I love you Lord and I am so afraid of what may come on Monday. In your amazing, loving, and most precious name I pray. Amen

Lord bless Adam that the people at his job in power be touched by you so that they can see the good in Adam. Father only through you can this happen. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Good Father, I am nervous about my interview. I am nervous that I will not have the qualifications, works to say, or what I need to succeed. I am also scared that if this position doesn't open up that I will be left in a hard predicament. Lord, You know my needs before I even cry out to You.

In Matthew 6:8b Jesus explained, Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. Father, You know what I need even more than I know what I need. Please supply my needs according to Your wisdom. Give me peace in the areas that I lack it. Give me the strength to overcome this anxiety, fear, and worry. Grow my trust so that I can freely place all of these emotions, thoughts, and feelings into Your hands.

Lord, I ask that You would grow me, even if growth is difficult and challenging. If I am not ready for this position, grow me so that I am. If I get this job and do not have all the tools that I need, bring growth until I do. Teach me and lead me in practical ways.

Develop my hard and soft skills. Increase my integrity, work ethic, and effectiveness. Help me to be a quick learner and to develop the skills and education that I need for this job. Open up opportunities for me to continue to grow in this company if I do get the job.

Bless me so that I may bless others. But, give me a pure heart and pure motivations so that I am not tempted to use my position or blessings for personal gain or pride.