Prayer For New Job

Dear heavenly father, you've guided me this far in life and given me great strength and guidience lord I ask for a blessing to be placed in a new open positions that would release alot of money burden from me. Lord please if it's you will and where I'm suppose to be please give the supervisors the wisdom to see I could successfully carry out the position. In Jesus name amen!

Dear Heavenly Father, i am currently employed but i don't love my current position, there are open positions for which i can move to within the same company but i cant do it without your help, i need you to open the hearts of those in power to move me so they'll have interest in me.

Lord i tried everything i could to be moved it just didn't work, without your involvement everything is so difficult.

Lord i need you today, i know you love me, you always want to see me happy if i can get this position i promise i'll be more than happy. Amen!!!!

God, I'm about to face a challenging interview for a new job. First, thank you for this opportunity. Thank you that you care about providing for my needs, and fitting me in the right employment situation is something you yourself are working to complete. I know I have you on my side in this matter. You are looking out for my best interest and I know you have a perfect job fit for me. If this is that perfect fit, then make it perfectly clear to me and to those who are making the hiring decision. Begin now to prepare the time and place where we will meet. Set the tone in the room. I know that first impressions matter a great deal, so help me to be the natural me that you have created, so that they can see through my nervousness and anxiety to the person you have created me to be. Give me a peaceful and sharp mind. Bring to my memory all the knowledge and wisdom that is already there. Let your joy and contentment flow out through my words. And whatever the result, let this process be a blessing to those who review my case, and also to me and my family along the way.

Grant me wisdom in my interactions with the interviewer, employer, and my future coworkers. Teach me how to walk in Your everlasting way to bring glory to Your name. Equip me with wisdom so that my speech, actions, thoughts, motivations, and interactions are pure.

Additionally, help me to recognize Your wisdom over the world's wisdom as seen in James 3:17. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

Loving Father,

I am not alone,
You watch over me,
Your love encircles my life.

So I ask for your wisdom
As I choose a new path.
I lay this job offer at your feet.

Come still my mind
So that I may think clearly.

Come guard my heart
So that I may choose wisely.

Lord, come give me courage
So that I may walk without fear
Into all you have for me.


Dear God,

Thank you for your presence. Thank you that you walk with me each day. I ask that you guide me as I seek to look for new work.

Lord guide my eyes to see the opportunities before me.
Guide my movements so that I might walk into new possibilities.
Guide my mind to focus on the skills I have and be open to learning new ones.
Guide my heart as I look for work that will serve others and provide for my own needs.
Guide my thoughts that I might remain positive and hopeful in this waiting time.

I trust that you will protect and provide for me as I look to you for my future.
Lord, thank you for your presence with me now.


Father you said that you are my shepard and I shall not want, and that you would not leave my seed begging bread. Father you are not a man that you shall lie, and I beseech the oh Lord to hear my cry. To answer my prayer in my time of great need. I believe, therefore I shall receive my prayer request for a financial blessing and a new job and/or career. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray Amen!

Father God, You said in your word that you shall supply ALL of my needs through your riches and glory in Christ Jesus. You said that I should look to the hills from whence cometh my help. Lord you said that you will open the windows of heaven and poor me out a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.