Prayer For New House Blessing

O Holy Father, we welcome your spirit into this place. We pray that you will inhabit every room within this home and grace us with your amazing presence. May everyone who enter this house feel your abundant joy and everlasting peace. May everyone who lives here know and experience the completeness of your eternal love. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our protector and our savior. Amen.

May the Lord bless this house and everyone within it. May God make this house into a home. May he fill it with love and a generous welcome to all who visit. May family and friends find peace and contentment within this home. May our home always overflow with hospitality, warmth and peace. May all who seek nourishment, be nourished. May this be a place where all can go for their happiness, growth and refreshment. We pray that the Lord bless this house and protect all who dwell within it. Amen.

Dear Father, Please bless our home; may your light, love and life reside here. Anoint our hospitality; may others find the peace and refuge they seek. Bless our living space; may we create rest and restoration here. Watch over our sleep; may we enjoy comfort and renewal. Bless our finances; may we cherish and care for this place. O Holy One, live with us, come abide here. Amen.

Our home stands on holy ground, For you Lord Jesus are Lord of all. Come abide here and dwell with us, always. We worship you. Our home will be a place of sanctuary, For you Lord Jesus, Prince of Peace. Come sit at our table, we invite you in, our friend. We commune with you, every day. Our home will be a dwelling of grace, Because you Lord Jesus, King of Kings. Come forgive us, moment by moment and deep to deep. We are safe, we draw near. Our home will be a house of promise, Because you Lord Jesus, Almighty One. For you rose again and now heaven awaits us. Thank you, our home is always in you.

Gracious God, in you alone do we find our true home.
Make this house your abiding place, and bless all who live here.
Fill them with your Holy Spirit, and send them out in your love. Amen

O Master Gardener, you gave us a garden at creation to till and to keep, so we continue to turn to the soil to refresh our souls.
We praise you for the harvest of the earth, for the cycle of seasons and for the rhythm of growing things. Be present with (names of family members and pets) in this garden.
May they delight in its gifts. Amen

Matchless Father, Your word states that Your curse is on the house of the wicked, but You bless the dwelling of the righteous! I thank You in advance for blessing the house that I am going to buy. I lift You up because You have covered my household without me having to ask for this blessing. Please help me be satisfied with the home that I am purchasing, and not start to take it for granted or want a better home once the newness wears off. Help me continue to be content and grateful for what I have and keep my focus on what is truly important in life. Amen.

Holy God, Your Word states that every place that the sole of my foot will tread upon You have given to me, just as You promised Moses. Lord, I thank You because this new house has been given to me by You. It is only by the authority that You have given me to walk in, that I am able to step into this new home and this new blessing. I pray that I remember that all that I have comes from You, and my prosperity depends on my continued obedience to You. Help me to keep my eyes on You. Help me to forever strive to walk through life as You would walk. Amen.