Prayer For New House

Dear Father in Heaven, Please direct and guide me in choosing a home for myself. Lord, I pray I make the right choice. You know that I am interested in a home right now, I pray it is the right one, either way I ask you give me a sign. I want so much to get settled again in a home of my own. You know my needs Lord better than I do. I thank you Lord for all you have given me, and for all you have done for me, and thank you for dying for my sins to give me eternal salvation.
Lord, I ask this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ , my Lord and Saviour. Amen

I pray that my family and I find a loving home to live in. May it be filled with love for each other and for God. I pray that we find the perfect home quickly. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Loving God, you have taught us to welcome one another as Christ has welcomed us. We ask for your blessings on those who share the hospitality of this home.

Heavenly Father, your son, our savior, took young children into his arms and blessed them. Embrace (Names of children) with your unfailing love.
Protect them from all danger, and bring them in safety to each new day, Amen

Bless this house and those within,
Bless our giving and receiving,
Bless our words and conversation,
Bless our hands and recreation,
Bless our sowing and our growing,
Bless our coming and our going,
Bless all who enter and depart,
Bless this house, your peace impart.

May the peace of God reign in this place
and the love of God forever hold you tight.
May the Spirit of God flow through your life
and the joy of God uphold you day and night.


I am truly thankful for this home that You have led us to. Lord, as much as I love this home I place it into Your hands for it really is Yours. Nothing happens without Your foreknowledge. Father, may I be a good steward of this home. Bless my efforts to grow a beautiful family and also a beautiful home. Lord, may this be a home that people know are always welcome, for it is Your home. So, I ask for Your blessing on it. May it be a place of refuge from the cold winter winds. May it be a place of security when my kids/spouse needs a hug or a serious conversation. May it be a place of romance as my husband/wife and I dance in the kitchen and long for one another when we are apart. This home is such a blessing and I will not take it for granted. I love, You!


Father, blessed be Your name! Thank You for blessing me with the home I will soon have. Thank You, Lord, for being with me all throughout this stressful process as I purchase this new home. I am so grateful for the prosperity You have given to me. You have provided me with so much. I see Your magnificent work, and praise Your holy name for these gifts. I pray that You continue to be my guide and the source of my blessings. Amen.

Worthy Savior, I thank You for giving me the financial stability to be able to buy a house. You have blessed me with money, but it is You who has my heart. Your Word says that I should keep my life free from the love of money, and be content with what I have, for You have said: I will never leave you nor forsake you. Father, I love You because You have kept Your Word and have been faithful to me financially so that I can buy a new home. Please help me desire nothing more than what You have given me, and focus my energy and attention on my love of You and how I can use my new home to be a better Christian. Please keep me from getting wrapped up in all the things I can do to improve or decorate my new home, and instead use me as a vessel for Your work. Amen.