Prayer For New Believers

Light gently arises
The morning beckons
This is your day,
A gift.
A day that you have made.
I listen to the birds singing
And I leave behind my slumber
To awake.
I awake with you Lord.
We arise together.

May this working day
Be full of wonder,
Wonder at the morning
That carries me, through each moment
Filled with thanks and praise.

Lord you make all things new, the Creator who is continually nurturing, renewing, and developing every aspect of our remarkable universe.

Lord you make all things new. I rest in your creative arms, I dwell in the hope of this renewal, I hope in the strength of your mighty hand.

Lord you make all things new. Take all I am, all I care for, and all I love into your gentle arms. Come to touch and heal, mend and restore, release and minister.

Lord thank you that you make all things new. Thank you that there is always a new start in you. Thank you that today my life is being remade anew.


Lord, may this new believer open his/her heart to those who are more mature in faith so that his love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that he may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christto the glory and praise of God (Phil. 1:9-11).

Father, I pray that this one who has just recently placed his/her faith in you will grow to spiritual maturity, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. May he speak the truth in love so that he will in all things grow up into Christ. (Ephesians 4:13-15).

Faithful God, a new day begins: Thank You for the divine gift that You have bestowed upon us. I do not know what it will bring, but I am confident of Your presence and that gives me peace .... Peace with You, O God, experienced through Your son, our Savior Jesus Christ, is a peace

I Praise You with a new song and declare Your glory and great works among Your people. For everything under the sun, there is a plan and purpose.

So I pray that the plans You have for those who call upon You will be manifested. Help us to believe in ourselves and know that whatever happened in the past is done!

We are new creatures in Christ and will move beyond past events. With you, we will walk uprightly, because You direct our steps.

Let our prayer this morning be one of gratitude. Gratitude did not make it into the list of four "cardinal virtues," but it is sometimes rightly recognized as a foundational virtue.

Let us each in turn name something worthy of our gratitude, concluding with "and so let us say."

The group may respond, "For this we are grateful."

Together We Pray:
O Gracious, gentle Spirit of Love,
Your energy permeates the Universe,
Igniting Earth with
Your Goodness, Truth and Beauty.
Open our minds and hearts
To a deeper awareness
Of our interconnectedness with You,
Each other and all creation.
May we experience
Your unique presence
Within the sacred web of creation.