Prayer For Newborn Baby

Please provide some kind someone to offer her a helping hand: someone to rock a baby for awhile, or read her toddler a book, or take her pre-schooler to the park.

Could you give her the equivalent of the stay at home mom lottery and cause all of her babies to take a three hour nap at the same time?

And a hot shower too during which not one child cries.

Grant her the treasure of a cup of tea, a Psalm, and a simple prayer lead her beside still waters, Compassionate Christ, for she needs You.

Let her find a piece of chocolate in the back of the pantry she forgot was there.

Give her a good friend to walk beside her on her journey.


Please renew her strength for the tasks ahead of her today. Give her wisdom, patience, and courage. Her job is the hardest one in the world.

And when the crying, the endless chaos, the never ending demand of caring for her small children pushes her to the breaking point and she loses her patience, please Jesus, help her grant herself grace.

Pray your child would struggle, suffer and, if called, die for Christ. No, really. Don't pray that God would bless your child with a long life, a successful life, a respected life. Pray that, a million years from now, your child would be known for how he/she lay down their dreams, comforts, health, even life to serve Christ.

Abba Father, You know every child by name, and You care about each one's past, present, and future. We acknowledge that we can do nothing apart from You. Empower governments by Your Spirit to be sensitive to the needs of the most vulnerable children. We pray for You to guide the nations to continue to care about Your little ones by investing in the gift of health for all children.

If life could be measured in cute drools and adorable giggles, yours is just perfect right now. Congratulations.

Life will be full of ups and downs. It will be one tough ride. But your love for your child will be the anchor that will see you through it all.

Almighty and Everlasting God, we place every new baby before You right now and we ask that You bless them in abundance. We pray that every new baby will believe in You, the Lord Jesus, so that he/she will be saved when he/she grows older. Just as I believe in You, we pray that every child does also because You are our eternal Savior. Keep every child wrapped in Your radiant light. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Holy God, I trust in You with all my heart and I have leaned on You instead of leaning on my own understanding or my own intellect. Lord, I pray that my baby learns to trust in You with all his/her heart. I pray against self-reliance taking priority over You. Instead, I pray that my child will not lean on his/her own understanding, but will acknowledge You in all his/her ways so that his/her path can be directed by You, who knows all things. Amen.