Prayer For Newborn Baby Girl

Good St. Gerard, I pray for the trust you had in God, the
complete and unconditional love you saw that God had
for you. Intercede for me before our loving God that I may
become a mother. I humbly turn my will over to our allknowing God and believe that God will care for me and love
me as I am. I pray for the grace to know and accept God's
will for me, and if possible, bless my life with a child.
St. Gerard, always obedient to the Will of God, pray for us

Sing over her as she sleeps. Let her know how much You love her and how much you value the work she is doing. Remind her that You, the Good Shepherd, have promised to gently lead those who have young' and to carry her children close to your heart. (Isaiah 40:11)


Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.

I pray that no one fights bedtime, no one has a night terror, and that the baby sleeps until morning light.

One more thing, Jesus, be very near to this mom in the moment when the last child is in bed and she sits in the quiet alone. She will be so tired and that is the very moment the accuser will come to whisper his worst. He will remind her of everything she should have done that she didn't. He will run the replay of each moment of irritability, and every time she reached the end of her rope. Silence him, sweet Christ. May your voice be the only voice she hears. May she find rest in you and assurance that when she has given all she has and finds that in her humanity it is simply not enough, You most certainly do not condemn her.

You make up the difference.


So precious, so small, so sweet. Two tiny hands, two tiny feet. Cute smiles and endless giggles, sweet nothings and adorable wriggles. All this and a lot more, is what will make your life soar. Congratulations.

No matter how many years grow by and what they grow up to become, no one else will be able to understand her children better than their mother. Congratulations for becoming one.

God of Life, I adore You! You are Yahweh! Because of who You are, I know that my child will lack nothing. Instead, my baby will have his/her portion of good things in abundance. I pray for my child's life and my child's character. Fill my child with the fruits of Your Spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Amen.

Righteous God, I pray for divine provision in my newborn's life. I know that my child will walk in power and authority because I know that You will supply my child's every need according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus! I am thankful for Your provision and Your protection in my child's life. Because of this, I know that my baby will walk in God-given authority. Amen.