Prayer For New Career

Heavenly Father, thank you for the joy and wonder of the autumn season. As we spend this time with friends and family, help to remember the many blessing you have bestowed upon us. As we reflect on the end of the harvest time, help us remember that you are in the business of bringing life out of death. Thank you that death does NOT have victory over us, and that spring will always come again. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Lord, You know that this work is what I have been used to and I am ill-equipped to learn a new skill in this economic climate, but Father, I want to be in Your will, and so I want to hand my whole business enterprise into Your hands. I ask that You would show me what I ought to do. Lead me Lord, and guide me to do the wisest thing and give me wisdom to make the right choice. Father, my trust is in You, for all that I have is Yours and You have promised to provide all my needs, according to Your grace and riches in glory.


Dear Lord,

I ask you to guide our hearts in the right direction as I make important business decisions. I give into your hands this business and all that I have put into it. I have complete faith in you and trust that you will lead me to make the best decisions for this business and give me the wisdom to trust they are the right ones for me.

In Your Name I pray,


Dear Heavenly Father, in Your Name I pray.

I am grateful to you for granting me the grace, wisdom, and means to run this business.

I have faith in your guidance as I ask you to give me the strength to work hard and make my business prosperous and abundant. I know you will reveal new opportunities and areas for expansion and development. Bless this business, and help it grow, flourish, and create great livelihood and growth for all those involved.


Thank You for providing for us, Father. Bless our employees and their families. Keep them physically safe and healthy, and guard their hearts and minds, today and always. May every day they come to work be a joy, not a burden. If there are days that burden them, may they have the courage to speak up, trusting we will hear and answer them with compassion.

May all affected by our businesses feel closer to You, Christ, because they are a part of our organizations. Bless the decisions made now and in the future. May our businesses be built on godly principles and steered by godly truths.

In Jesus' Name,


Help us to honor the vision that You set in our hearts. Let us give it to You daily and work hard - giving it our all for Your glory. Protect us from the pride that over-applauds us and that which attacks our confidence. Father, if You aim to accomplish something through us, You will see it to fruition. Help us to be faithful along the way.

In Jesus' Name,


God grant me the inspiration, the motivation,
The right direction, and the resources
To succeed in my new business. My intent is clear
And my will is strong. Help me stay focused on my goals
And to reap honest rewards for the benefit of all.
Thank You, God, for your kind assistance. Amen!

Today I will remember to put you before all things.
Lord before tiredness - you are energy
Lord before stress - you are peace
Lord before need - you are the gift
Lord before decisions - you are truth
Lord before toil - you are rest.
Today I will remember to put your energy, your peace, your gift, your truth and your rest before my working day.
That I may go not in my own strength but be led by your Spirit.
