Prayer For New Business

Lord, into Your hands I commit all these difficulties to You. I am trusting in You Father. Lord, a verse in Psalm 37 comes to my mind today, "I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread." Lord, this is my testimony too. You have been very gracious to me throughout all my life, and I will trust You in this too. Lord, into Your hands I commit my future.


Dear Lord,

I ask for your graceful guidance as I build and grow this business. I put my trust in your hands that you will bless my business, my suppliers, my customers, and my employees. I pray that you protect this enterprise and the investments I've put into it.

I ask that you lead me, guide me, and advise me. May my journey be generous, fruitful, and successful, today and always.

I pray to you with all that I am and all that I hold.


Dear Lord,

My business is my passion and I put my success entirely in your hands. I ask that you help me run it efficiently, and with the wisdom to recognize and accept the changes that await me. I know you will speak to me when I'm lost and give me comfort when there are trials. Please grant me the knowledge for the things I don't know and help me serve my customers and clients with a heart like yours.

I will shine Your light in all that I do and make sure my customers feel it whenever they interact with me and my business. Help me stand by my faith and values in my business in all situations and tribulations.

In Your Name I pray.


Father, whether our businesses are struggling or thriving, You are still God our unchanging Provider. Help us throw all of our trust in You. Faithful and loving, You place us in communities. May our businesses seek to serve those living in the communities in which our businesses reside.

Show us our place in the business world, and beyond. How can we take what we are learning and earning to help those in far corners of our neighborhoods and the world? Show us our place, Father. For we know when we let go of our tight grip on process, You blow us away with the places you lead and take us. Fill our hearts with the joy and peace that surpass all understanding.

In Jesus' Name,


Father, we praise You for the entrepreneurial spirit You set in our hearts. Let all of our achievements honor You. When the lines of ethical and honest decisions start to blur, grant us absolute clarity. Stir in our hearts the courage to build a foundation of our business on the back of Your truth, and Your standards. When we are pressured and poked to cut corners and bend our Christ-centered code of moral conduct, strengthen our resolve to stay focused on You first.

My partners and I have begun a new business.
We ask your kind blessings, Lord, to guide us on our way
To keep our hearts pure and sincere,
To bless us with the spirit of cooperation
To resist all greed and dishonest temptation,
So that we may serve our own as graciously as You serve us.
Hear our prayer, oh Lord, so that our business reap may the right profit and stay the just course. Amen!

Dear Lord, I ask for your help in starting my own business.
You are my strongest ally, and my best partner.
Please join me in this new venture so that I may succeed
For myself, my family and the customers I will serve.
Grant me your powers of good judgment,
Your wisdom and guidance,
So that my business may prosper and do right
By us all in Your Heavenly name. Thank you! Amen.

Dear Lord,

You know that my business is my passion. Please help me to run it in an efficient and godly manner. I ask that you give me wisdom where I need it and to lead me in the changes on the road ahead. I invite you to speak to me when I'm not sure what to do next and to give me comfort when there are trials. Give me the discernment to hear your voice clearly.

Please help me to serve my customers and clients with a heart like yours. I want them to see Your light in me every time they interact with me or step foot into my business. Help me to stand by my faith and values in my business if I come across controversy and stay steadfast in You.

In Your Name Jesus, I pray.
