Prayer For Newborn Baby And Mother

I pray that she would have moments of pure joy with each of her babies today. Let them make her smile and laugh out loud so that she might taste the reward of her labors.

And when her husband walks in the door tonight, give him your eyes to see her. May he be overwhelmed by her sacrifice for his children. May he see her as more beautiful than ever before because she is pouring her life out for those babies. Let him take her in his arms and tell her so and then, Jesus, prompt him to roll up his sleeves and bathe a kid because they are in this together.

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord (6 v 4). Fathers, and mothers, need spiritual help to do this. Pray that you wouldn't do what's easiest for you; wouldn't lay down unnecessary rules; wouldn't be inconsistent; wouldn't ever let there be a gap between what you tell your child about Christ, and how you live for him; wouldn't ever act as though your child most needs good behaviour, good grades, good job, good spouse. Your child needs you to pray for your parenting.

Great Shepherd, You know how much babies need their mothers. Be with pregnant women everywhere as they prepare to give birth. Strengthen their bodies and protect them from life-threatening diseases. Give them a safe delivery and a healthy baby.

Great Healer, every child is precious to You. We pray for the health of all Your children and their mothers. We thank You for the work being done to help so many children and mothers. Let aid distributions reach families who need it the most, and provide the resources to help even more little ones. Heal and strengthen their tiny bodies so they may one day experience fullness of life.

By becoming parents you have officially entered life's vicious loop which is all about tantrums, cries, late night feeds and changing nappies after your baby takes a poop. Congratulations.

With protective and caring parents like you, a nurturing relationship between you and your baby will ensue. Congratulations to the new parents.

Precious Holy Spirit, I praise You, for You are worthy to be praised. I pray that You bless my newborn baby and keep him/her. Please make Your face shine upon him/her and show him/her that You are a gracious God. Thank You in advance for turning Your head towards my infant and giving him/her peace. Thank You in advance for Your divine protection over my child's life. Amen.

God of Power, I am grateful for Your faithfulness towards me and for blessing me with my newborn baby. I pray that my baby will be strong in You and in Your mighty power. I pray for the full armor of You to be the clothing for my baby for the rest of his/her days. Dress him/her with your power so that he/she can stand against the devil's schemes. Make him/her fearless in this evil world. Amen.