Prayer For Newborn Babies

Dear Lord, we see so much progress, yet so much need. We rejoice in the millions of lives that have been saved through the work of organizations such as World Vision. Please continue to equip developing nations with the funding, personnel, and extra help they need to provide services that promote healthy families.

Lord Jesus, Scripture tells us that You understand our physical needs. In the Gospels, You fed thousands because You knew they couldn't get food on their own. We pray for you to help hungry families access the food resources they need to survive and for their children's health. Move among community health workers to inspire parents to learn new, sustainable ways to improve their children's diets. Reassure struggling parents that they can help their children grow up strong and healthy.

You come to us in the least of these.
The cry of the newborn is your cry.
Open our eyes to see you,
and our arms to embrace you.
Open our ears to hear your tiny voice
and our wallets to support you.
Remind us that we were the newborn once.
This Christmas, as we adore Jesus in the manger,
Christ is born again in our hearts, who knows how,
wherever a child is welcomed,
wherever a baby is held.
Emmanuel, God with us, world without end, Amen.

God our Creator, Ancient of Days,
even as we give thanks for Jesus' birth,
you behold it happening.
You are beyond time.
You are always sending an angel to Mary,
to Joseph, to the shepherds,
you are always coming again to us,
with good news of great joy
which shall be to all people.
Hear our prayer of thanks
for all you have done, are doing, will do
to save us from our sins.
Thank you for hope that shines out
in the eyes of every newborn child,
regardless of the circumstances of their birth.
Babies born to unwed mothers,
babies born on the road, or in refugee camps,
babies born without a savings plan,
babies arriving needing to nurtured.

May your baby's future be brighter than the sun's radiant beam, may your little child fulfill all your dreams. Congratulations for your newborn.

May your baby boy be the angel that you were always looking for. May he make your life happy, prosperous and pure. Congratulations.

Lord of the Highest Heavens, I rejoice in You always for You have blessed me in so many ways, especially with giving me a child. I pray that Your word governs my child's life so that he/she may rejoice in You always, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks to You, for this is Your will for my child. I know that my child will grow up to be a mighty prayer warrior and a faithful servant to Your kingdom. Amen.

Lord, our Peace-Bringer, I magnify Your name! Your word tells me that all my children will be taught by You, and great will be their peace. I thank You in advance for the peace that my newborn baby will experience, and is already experiencing. I pray that the world will not disrupt or take the peace that You have promised in my newborn baby's life. Thank You for being the God of Eternal Peace. Amen.