Prayer For New Baby Boy

"The Lord bless you
and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace."

(Numbers 6:24-26, NIV)

Lord, help my child to love you with all her heart, soul, strength and mind and love others as much as herself. May this be the focus of my child's life.

Lord. I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life, he will be given over to the Lord.

Dear little one,
Please listen to my words,
they are spoken with love and the guidance of our God.
You are loved in ways we cannot measure.
You are special in ways we cannot explain.
You are divine in ways we cannot understand.
God has created you to be with us for reasons we'll soon discover.
Welcome to this family, welcome to this world, and welcome to the Kingdom of God!
We eagerly await your arrival
and ask God to help us be patient, loving, and important in your life.

Lord, we pray for our baby boy's guidance and blessings, to act as tokens throughout his life. We want You to grant him the strength to power through any challenge, long life, and the ability to live by Your works and holy name. We exalt You and appreciate Your grace. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Dear God, let this child hear the sounds of love,
within the heart and soul.
Echo the mother's heartbeat,
Resound the father's words,
Replay the wishes and blessings shared today.
Together and with your guidance,
We sing the sounds of love
For this new little life
To hear now and forevermore.

O God, whose holy prophets have declared children to be a blessing, grant that your grace may never be obstructed through any defect on my part. May the children you have bestowed upon me be a blessing and a comfort to my life. May I be enabled to bring them up in virtue and godliness: and, Lord, please bestow upon them such dispositions and such tempers as may lead them to profit by every good and to shun every evil that may come near them.

Remind us that each life is significant in Your eyes. Because I, the Eternal One, am your God. I am the Holy One of Israel, and I will save you. I have traded nations to win you back, Egypt, Cush, and Seba, in exchange for your freedom. This Old Testament verse from Isaiah 43:3 brings Jesus' sacrifice on the cross to the top of our minds. Father, You have been pursuing our hearts from ancient times, and through the cross, Your presence in our daily lives is now palpable.