Prayer For New Baby And Parents

Holy Father, just as a shepherd looks after their sheep, as new parents, I pray that You will grant them with the same tenderness of a God who promises to watch over his flock. Lord, in the same way, help new parents to lead their new born babies gently in line with Your will and purpose. We pray that You will help the parents of (child's name) to not lead their child astray, this we ask in Your Name, Amen.

God, You are the ultimate parent, whose perfect love shows us how to love our own children, so teach them how to love like You do, how to parent like You do. Give them Your heart, Your help, Your strength. Give them grace and sanity to make it through another day.

Thank you for the privilege and joy of being parents and for being our perfect Father.

In Christ's name we pray,


I pray that as they are being shaped in the fires of new parenthood, they would see Jesus walking the way ahead of them, that they would see how each trial reveals their own humanity and how much they need to depend on You. I pray they would have Christ in mind when they can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, knowing that they are being made more like Him as this season requires them to sacrifice themselves daily -- their sleep, their strength, their routines, their minds, their bodies.


I praise you for new life, newborns, and growing families, for the anticipation of a life forever changed for first parents and the overwhelming joy of repeated blessing for growing families. Whether the first or multiple child, birth carries a set of worries that only the power of the Holy Spirit can quench. Today, we praise You for that Holy Spirit power and the sacrificial death of Your Son, Jesus to provide it! Father, You sent Your own Son to earth in a womb. He was born as vulnerable as all babies are. When we are tempted to think that the world can never be safe enough for our children to grow up in, remind us of Your omnipotent control and overwhelmingly powerful love for each of us. When we look at our newborn babies, help us to recognize them as Yours, and know undoubtedly that Your plan for their lives is good.

May you always walk in sunshine.
May you never want for more.
May Irish angels rest their wings
beside your nursery door.

And for the proud parents:
May God grant you a wee bit of heaven
to cradle in your arms -
a sweet bonny baby
to hold close to your heart.

A newborn babe
brings light to the house
warmth to the hearth
and joy to the soul
for wealth is family
and family is wealth.

Lead me in the path of knowledge with my child. Light our way together. Keep us protected and divinely guided in all matters and at all times. May we always feel the presence of God in our lives and may we be blessed.

Help us both to enjoy these early childhood years together. Give me patience and wisdom to do the right things and to do things rightly. May we be happy and full of joy as we spend our days. Bless us richly with health, happiness and laughter.

I am deeply grateful for this child and for all that this child represents in my life. My experience of life and my contribution to the world is changed forever and I am grateful. Thank you, God.

Lord, when I look into this child's face and see my features reflected in them I see the miracle of Your creation. To see my features reflected in this child is astonishing, almost like a second chance at my life. I pray that this baby always recognizes the love and kindness you've given me. I pray that you'll be their God, just like you are mine. Amen.

God, I am just so thankful for the precious time I have with this baby. I know that they will grow up one day, but I'm just happy to have these sweet moments right now. I pray that I'll always remember with joy the experience of having this baby and cherish it forever. Amen.