Prayer For Negative Thoughts

Higher Forces
Come into my body
Give me strength, guidance and protection
And please God,
Put a strong protective Light around my body,
And in the name of Jesus,
Cancel all negative thoughts and actions
that are being directed to me,
and eliminate the enemies power
to do any evil to me.
So shall it be.

In Jesus Christ's name I pray,
who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit
One God
forever and ever.

We pray for our communities -
that snapshot of humanity
with all ages, backgrounds,
education, employment status,
politics and religious viewpoint
who are our neighbours
in the streets where we live.
We pray for all of them;
not only those we know by name
and chat to through the day,
but also less familiar faces
about whom we know so little
and pass by with just a smile.
Bless their homes and families,
and let your love and peace
so shine within this community
that smiles turn to conversations,
and strangers become friends.
We pray this through Jesus Christ,
the Prince of Peace. Amen

Dear God,
I feel as if the walls of my mind
are closing in upon me.
My head is sadly filled with negative thoughts,
please help me my dear Father,
free me from this prison
of negative thoughts!
Embrace me with your peace
and love so that my mind can be at ease.
Break every chain of negative thoughts! Speak prosperity and positivity into my life, for life and death are in the power of my tongue!
Therefore, I declare and decree that every
stronghold in my life produced by negative thought patterns are broken in JESUS might name! Amen!

I am thankful and grateful for all that god has blessed me with thus far. Although I am suffering from what I believe is depression and it is really getting the best of me.-I ask that god to help heal my depression and remove all negative thoughts. Also help me to find meaning and fulfilling work that I love.

Thank you, Amen.

God, hear me and answer me. You know I am troubled by thoughts and feelings of anger, resentment and bitterness. You also know why. And You know how deep the hurt goes and how long I have lived with it. But I don't want to live with it any longer. I don't want to be an angry, resentful and bitter person. With Your help, I release my anger into Your hands. I surrender my resentment. I let go of my bitterness. Help me to keep letting go and release these toxic emotions as often as they try to return.

Please help me resist temptation and to keep having thoughts that make you happy. Free me from aggressive thoughts, that I may express peace and understanding towards myself and others. The world around me is chaotic, but with You, Almighty Father, I know my thoughts will remain peaceful. Free me from ignorance. Please clear my mind of all impure thoughts, and guide me into thinking what is right. Free me from any unnecessary thoughts so I can focus on the things that currently matter.

Let me live according to your will, o Lord, and guide me that I may avoid thoughts that won't please you.
Free me from all the thoughts that bind me from having a positive life, that I may break free and live a fulfilling life.
I ask thee to help me look at the brighter side of life and see every cloud's silver lining.
Free me from the darkest of my thoughts, that I may learn to view things in a different light.
Please clear my mind of unhappy thoughts, Heavenly Father.

Dear loving God,

Sometimes I have terrible thoughts that run through my head.

Do you see me, dear Lord? Do you see my struggle?

You are mighty. You are strong, and you love me.

Set me free Lord!

Remove the bad thoughts that torment me.

Cast the enemy out of my mind and my life. Let no attack, deceit or contamination affect me any more.

For I have been washed clean by the blood of the Lamb.

Your mighty Spirit protects me always.

All victory is yours alone.