Prayer For Nelson Mandela

Lord God, I thank you for my sisters and brothers and for the continued ways in which you let me experience your love and grace, through the many witnesses around the world, and ultimately, through the death and resurrection of your beloved, Son, in whose name I offer this prayer.


For all those feeling fear, Lord, give us your peace and comfort. For those tempted to hoard or even hinder the work of protecting the community, give compassion and an open-handed concern for others. Even while we have to maintain a physical distance from each other, draw our hearts closer together and closer to You.

Dear God, have mercy on our nations and on our world. Save us through this time of trial and let the justice, joy and peace of your heavenly kingdom break forth more and more on Earth.

We pray in Jesus' name. Amen!

We are grateful for his courage and dignity in adversity, and for his mighty power of forgiveness, which helped create this great nation. We are grateful for how he united us, and served as a dedicated and humble President.

In the merit of our unified prayers across this nation and the world, we also ask You, O L-rd G-d, to bless the people of this great country, of the miracle rainbow nation, and to inspire our hearts to walk in the path of Nelson Mandela, to live up to his majestic legacy.

We, the people of South Africa, and indeed so many around the world, come before You in heartfelt prayer to beseech You to bless our former President, our beloved Madiba, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, at this time when he is so gravely ill and fighting for his life. We ask You, O King, to protect Madiba from any pain and suffering, both physical and emotional, and to give him the strength, comfort and well-being he so desperately needs at this time.

Lord, we give you thanks for Madiba.

Death is not the final victory.

Nothing can silence the voice of Nelson Mandela - not Robben Island, not death.

His words are eternal.

His voice will echo throughout time.

Lord, we give you thanks for Madiba.

Let us have an ounce of his courage.

Let us have an ounce of his faith.

Comfort those in South Africa and across the world who mourn.

Let the work of Nelson Mandela continue in us.

Lord, we give you thanks for Madiba.


This day we give thanks for the life of Nelson Mandela.

He led a nation on a long walk to freedom.

He fought for reconciliation and not retribution.

He argued for peace in place of war.

Lord, we give you thanks for Madiba.

When other surrendered to darkness he kept faith with the promise of tomorrow.

He envisioned a path to heal the wounds of the past...

...with the intent of constructing a new order based on justice for all.

His work inspired the world.

Lord, we give you thanks for Madiba.

In his time, the powers and the principalities reviled Jesus.

Referring to Mandela by his clan name, the archbishop prayed: Now enfold Madiba and Graca with compassion, comfort and the conviction that you will never forsake them, but that you will grant Madiba eternal healing and relief from pain and suffering.

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10 ?