Prayer For Nepal

Lord, our sisters are suffering from all kinds of abuses, assaults, violence, oppression, poverty, ignorance, illiteracy, sicknesses, and social discrimination. Lord, they are treated inhumanly in the name of religion and superstitious beliefs. There are hundreds of thousands of girls sold out by the human traffickers to other countries and they are enslaved and kept in the bondages of darkness.

Lord God, as my heart cries out with tears of joy for their loving witness and tears of sadness for the distance between us, I pray that you may continue to fill me with your compassion that I may serve you where I am. And as my tears fall upon the road I walk, I pray for others to encounter my tears and for my tears to serve as a witness to the deep, profound ways you have broken my heart for the beautiful people of Nepal, as fellow bearers of your love and grace. Please protect them and watch over them, renew their hearts day by day, give them good health and courage to continue to share your Word with others.

Lord God, I give you thanks and praise for my sisters and brothers in Nepal.
For their dedication to walk miles upon miles to share your love with others
For their witness to their surrounding neighbors who do not know the depth of your grace
For their hospitality to accept strangers into their homes and into their hearts
For their commitment to enact justice and to heal wounds of brokenness among them
For their confidence in your faithfulness to reach out to you in prayer.

Dear Father in Heaven,

We are unsettled by this outbreak causing so much sickness and suffering, but we know that your promises are sure.

Grant protection to all those who are serving at the frontline for the doctors and nurses, the paramedics, the community health volunteers, the family members caring for the sick. Raise up many to stand with them and support them in their life-saving work.

We pray for the poor and vulnerable. Lord, protect and preserve those with ill-health, those who do not know from day to day where their income or next meal will come from, those who are homeless. Loving God, we grieve that so many are suffering and that the poorest people will suffer most. Please call us all to have compassion for the most vulnerable and help us find ways to express that compassion in practical acts of sharing and service.

We pray also for the global community. Please grant unity of purpose, generosity of spirit, wisdom in decision-making, and commitment to act in the best interests of all. We thank you for global cooperation already seen as nations share lessons, resources and people to help combat coronavirus. Loving God, please stir up and nurture more such cooperation. Please give wisdom, clarity and boldness to national and community leaders as they plan and implement a coordinated response to this crisis. Help them respond, too, not just to the immediate crisis but also to put in place plans and policies that will help us create a more just, beautiful and sustainable world once we begin the recovery.

Our hearts are heavy for our brothers and sisters in Nepal, concerned for their safety, families, and future; but we know the One who holds them. The One who spoke through the Apostle Paul, while in prison, "There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." May the Lord strengthen his people and give them grace, one day at a time.

Thank you for joining us in prayer for all the believers in Nepal.

Until He Returns,

Life as a widow can be so difficult, but in many places in Asia, becoming a widow is like living in hell on earth. Society often believes widows have sinned in some horrible way which resulted in their husbands' deaths, and, as a result, widows can be labelled as cursed and rejected as outcasts. Pray that widows will be able to grieve their husbands' deaths, and for God to provide for each widow's needs. Pray each widow will find hope and the joy of Jesus for her and her children's future.

Pray for the Nepali people spread throughout the world. They are largely unreached, predominantly believing in Hinduism. Pray that more workers will go to help reach these people with the gospel, so that they will have the opportunity to respond to Jesus Christ.