Prayer For Neighborhood

Father, we ask you to give our state and local leaders wisdom make decisions affecting our neighborhood. We pray they will be thoughtful in their decisions and listen to the voices of the community. We pray for courage to stand up for our community and to live with grace and dignity in our city.

Heavenly Father, we ask for your presence in families in our neighborhood. We pray for strength and understanding between the marriages in our neighborhood. We ask for loving, strong bonds between the children, teenagers, adults, and grandparents. We pray that each branch of the family would demonstrate love for one another.

Remind us often, Lord,
of your words, when some
would tell us otherwise,
that we have neighbours
in this world of ours
who are your children,
living in makeshift tents,
refugee camps, prisons,
subways, shop doorways -
neighbours who are hungry,
desperate, ignored, in need
of the very basics of life,
a new beginning, a chance
of calling somewhere home.
(Matthew 25:34-40)

Bless the paths that cross today;
the old friends and strangers
with whom we might share
a pleasant greeting, a smile
or maybe something deeper.
Grant us a word in season
that might resonate within
and bring a blessing to these,
your precious children, Gracious God

Lord, you have said
that to truly love you
then I must also
love my neighbour,
which can be difficult
when we disagree
or lifestyles clash.
Yet in overcoming
those difficulties
it is possible to see
the miracle that you
love someone like me.
Teach us to love, Lord,
as you have loved us
that this world might be
a better neighbourhood
in which to live and share.

Lord, I pray that {name} would seek You first in everything she does. Please turn her heart to You, and give her the desire to know you and serve you. When she is seeking You, help her to make wise decisions based on Your ways and Your word. Create a hunger in her for You; make her curious about You. Give her the gift of faith to believe that following You will cause everything else in her life to fall into place.

Dear heavenly Father, I pray that Your Spirit would fill {name} with sincere kindness and sacrificial love. Please help him to be patient with others, with himself and with his circumstances. May he be peace-loving and persevering. Give him hope to endure this difficult time. When he comes through on the other side, may he not be bitter or vengeful. Grow his faith in you and show Him your faithfulness, too.

By the grace of God and our Savior, we do not fight alone. By turning our focus toward Him in prayer, we can rediscover peace and hope for our present and future circumstances. Below are five prayers to help combat the common negative thoughts that can plague us during this time of isolation. May they be a guide for your alone time with God and fill you with His truth.