Prayer For Negativity

Heavenly Father I praise Your Holy name. ... I rebuke his negativity out, in Jesus' mighty name! Cover me under the precious blood of the Lamb as You Oh Lord infiltrate my mind, my body and my soul. Guard me with Your divinity so that the negative thoughts that arises would be blocked by my unbreakable faith.

Almighty God, how shall I escape my oppressor when my captor is my mind. For behold, wherever I go, it goes with me. I have not the ability to leave my own body or think outside of my mind. My thoughts are only negative. They implore me to seek vice and to ignore virtue. They want not the good of my neighbor but instead think only of myself. I desperately want to be rid of this selfish mental state. Lord, dispel these bad and selfish thoughts. Be a mighty shield to my mind. Let no bad thoughts take hold, but instead plant Your seeds of faith and virtue, that they might bring forth good fruits according to Your Spirit. Amen.

Faithful God, a negative person is like a loud, clanging cymbal. Nobody wants to be around him/her and he/she grates upon everyone. I fear that I am becoming this person, as all my thoughts lead to despair. I am unable to see the good in anything. All my conversations turn for the worst as I see all things cynically and hopeless. Lord, I do not want to be one who lives as if there is no hope. Therefore, take this negative heart and fix it. Help me to see the good in this world that comes about from Your grace and mercy. Graciously heal my mind so that I am not consumed by negativity. Amen.

I ask the Divine within myself
to stay on guard around me and my surroundings
as long as my soul exists.
I pray for protection
of my family members, friends, co-workers and all the people I know
and their surroundings.
I ask the Divine within myself
to cleanse, heal, balance
all my energy centers
when needed
and cover up and protect them when not needed.
I ask the Divine Light within myself
to cleanse, heal, shield and protect
all my channels of communication with the Divine Light.

I ask the Divine within myself
to remove all the earthbound, demon and other entities,
the dark shields, dark energies, dark devices and dark connections
from my body, aura, soul, and cord,
and also from my home, my workplace, my car, my places of recreation,
and everything in them and miles and miles around them.
I ask the Divine within myself
to locate and bring back my lost soul parts
and cleanse, heal and integrate them with the main body of my soul.
I ask the Divine within myself
to fill me and shield me with brilliant Divine Light,
and to plug all the holes and tunnels in me and my surroundings and my car.
I visualize a column of dazzling, shimmering, vibrant Divine Light
coming from above my head
filling my whole body,
cleansing and healing every part, every cell, and every organ of my body.

"Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise." ~ Jeremiah 17:14Dear Lord, We humbly pray for all those who are fighting cancer. Give them the hope and courage they need each day. Comfort them in their pain and bless them with healing. Strengthen their family, friends, and caregivers. With you nothing is impossible. You are God of all flesh; we love you and we are confident that no situation is too hard for you. We come to you on behalf of this dear one seeking healing from cancer. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ that you have fully paid the price by the stripes that you He bore; we therefore are asking that the devourer gets off from this child of yours in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

May I learn to control my temper to avoid hurting others in what I may say or do that I could never take back.With everything that happened in my life, I have become so bitter. I pray to learn to be free of this and live life with happiness in my heart. I ask you, Heavenly Father, to put my thought processes in order so that faith, hope, and love will be in my main thoughts.

Help me, Lord, to think of and meditate on things that are pure, noble, true, and praiseworthy. Change my way of thinking, Father, as you mold my life into your ways.
Heal my thoughts, O Lord. Purify them, Lord Jesus.