Prayer For Groundbreaking

Lord bless this ground this evening and each of us who have worked or contributed to provide this place on which a church will be built. You have built us into a worshipping faith community over the past 12 years, since our first groundbreaking, and we are grateful

Brothers and sisters, let us ask God, our all-powerful Father, that the work begun today will contribute to the building up of God's kingdom and help us to be united with Jesus, the cornerstone of our faith

That God may transform into a living temple of his glory all whom he has gathered here and have faith in Jesus Christ

That God in his power may be the rock on which we build this church in faith and Catholic-Church-Groundbreaking-Servicelove,..

That this dwelling place of God always be a place of peace and joy for all those who will undertake the work on this building and for those who will worship here

That all present here may continue to be shaped into living stones through their faith in Jesus and their service to others

Lord you built a Holy Church, founded upon the apostles with Jesus Christ as its cornerstone. Grant that your people, gathered in your name, may love you and grow as the temple of your glory.

God of love, we praise your holy name, for you have made us your temple by baptism and inspire us to build upon earth churches dedicated to your worship. Look favorably upon your children. Keep all the workers safe and secure throughout this project and may each step progress with your blessing. Enable us to continue to grow into the temple of your glory, until, shaped by your grace, we are gathered by your hand into the heavenly city. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

We recognize, Dear Father, that we are nothing and that nothing can be accomplished without your help and guidance and so we ask you to bless and lead us today so that the construction of not just the children's home but of the entire facility can proceed and be completed rapidly.

Almighty and everlasting God, ever exalted yet always near:

Be present with us, gathered together here

to set apart this ground upon which we stand

to the honor and glory of your great name.

Let your Spirit descend upon your church that will come together here,

and within these walls let your glory dwell.

Fill with your love all who shall seek your face here;

and as they depart from this place,

go with them in the peace and power of your Holy Spirit;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

O Lord our God, we praise You for Your gift of land and the ability to use it wisely. Grant that what we have undertaken this day to the glory of Your name may br successfully completed fot the good of all Your people. We placr out plans for this building site in Your hands, trusting that with Your guidance, they will bear much fruit in due time. We make this orayer to You in the name of Jesus, our Lord and King. Go in peace. Serve the Lord. And may the Almighty God bless us: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen

O God, we now depart, claiming your promise that you will be faithful to complete the good work you have begun in us. We would be faithful too!

Please strengthen our resolve, buttress our commitment and keep always before us avision of how it could be

when we embrace every asset and minimize wastefulness

when partnerships accomplish what no one of us can accomplish alone

and when all we do is motivated by a love that makes no exceptions.


O God, you have always led us by dreams, dreams sent to dreamers who saw not things as they are, with their complicated circumstances and limited resources and other discouragementsbut things as they could be.

Today we acknowledge such a dream and say that because it resonates with all we know of your will for our lives, we believe it came from you, we thank you for it, and we dedicate our efforts back to you.

Thank you for Rick Joye's listening heart and receptive spirit for the inspiration of his sister Annie's love and concern for your creation. We lift Annie herself up and ask for continuing improving health.

Thank you for his initiative and the many ways your Spirit brought the right people together at the right time to form Sustaining Way and Genesis Homes.

We thank you for every donor and contributor.

We thank you for bringing Ricky Power to this endeavor in such a miraculous way And for blessing him with so many gifts suited for both leading and serving this community.

We ask that you continue to bless the friendships he has cultivated through his compassion and trustworthiness.

Thank you for the welcoming and supportive spirit in the Nicholtown Community, in the Nicholtown Missionary Baptist Church and the Neighborhood Association, in all those who want to see their community united and thriving.

We ask that you bless each nail and board, every window and shingle, so that Annie's House fulfill the dream you sent to us. And we pray in advance for every life it will touch, every soul who passes over its threshold searching for life and life more abundant.

We ask that Annie's House be another of your kingdom's demonstration plots with which you have salted the earth, to show to a demoralized world that there is a better way, for wherever compassion meets need there is a new creation, and wherever love survives, miracles happen.

We ask all these things in your name and to your glory


O God Almighty, Who made the Heavens with wisdom and has established the earth upon its sure foundations, the Creator and Author of all men, look upon these Your servants (Names), to whom it has seemed good to set up a house for their dwelling in the dominion of Your Power, and to rear it by building; establish it upon a stable rock, and found it according to Your divine word in the Gospel, so that neither wind, nor flood, nor any other thing shall be able to harm it; graciously grant that they may bring it to completion, and deliver all them who shall wish to dwell therein from every attack of the enemy; for Yours is the dominion, and Yours is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Father God, We are in complete awe and amazement of how You have worked out Your plans for this body since the very beginning. In consecrating ourselves, and everything we have at the start of this endeavor, we were openly confessing that the success of anything that happened would be by Your Will, within Your timing, and for your Glory. We pray that we would continue to consecrate ourselves as the days continue. We pray in advance that the worship center that will soon come to pass would be a testament to Your faithfulness. We desire to be a reflection of You to those around us that need to see and hear what a great God You are. Keep us obedient, and faithful, and continue to stir in us a heart of worship and sacrifice.
