Prayer For Growth

All-Seeing God, I know that You are watching and waiting for Your children to seek Your counsel. Lord, my small business is not functioning at its best and I know it is capable of so much more. I feel like some obstacles are stopping me from success and growth. I am asking for Your help to see these obstacles, or for You to remove them. Please remove anything that is hindering me from growing this business. Amen.

Sovereign Lord, I come before You regarding the business You have given me. I would like to grow the business and make it more successful, but I feel I need more knowledge. I ask you, Father, that You would grant me success in my studies, practice, and discussions with experts in my area of work. Please increase my knowledge so I can be a success in my business. Amen.

God of Victory, I am seeking ways to expand and grow my business. These days, the industry is so fast-paced and highly intuitive. I don't want to fall behind in this race, so I am coming and asking for Your help. Lord, I am praying that You would give me the ingenuity I need to expand out into new areas in new ways. Amen.

God, my Promise-Keeper, as I move forward with my plans to expand and grow my business, I can see that my current location will not support this growth. I will need to find a new home for my business, so I am asking for guidance on what area You will bless. Lord, You know where my expertise can best meet the needs of the community. Please guide me to Your place of blessing. Amen.

O God my Father, I want to be a mature person. I am not certain what maturity is, but I know when I act childishly and of this I am ashamed.

Help me to bring my emotions under the control of the Spirit. Help me to check on my loud talk, my insistence on having my way, my fears, doubts, and other things which stand as evidence of my immaturity.

I do commit myself anew and afresh to You. Help me to be a glory and not a shame as I profess Your name.

For His sake, I pray,


How I thank and praise You for the everlasting life that You have given to me by Your wonderful grace and love. May I grow day by day to be more like You, full of compassion and kindness. Saturate my heart with Your love so that I may love You more with every passing breath, my Jesus.

Thank you for Your Holy Spirit, Who is making me to be more like You Lord Jesus. I want to reflect Your grace and Your beauty in thought, word and deed. I ask that I may devote my time and heart to reflect on all You are and all You have done for me, so that You are magnified more and more in my life, so that the beauty of my Lord Jesus may be seen and reflect in me. In Jesus' name,


God of Increase, I have good plans on how to grow my business, but to do this, I need financial assistance. Lord, I pray that You would lead me to godly institutions or people who can help me further my plans. I pray that You grant me success with the financial assistance I receive and protect me from those who would take advantage of me. Lord, I ask that You give me the wisdom on how to most effectively use the funds once I have them. Amen.

Mighty God, I come before You today, believing that You have given me my business to provide for me. Gracious Lord, to grow my business, I will need to advertise so that people will know that I am here. I pray, Lord, that You would grant the creativity to promote and bring in customers. Lord, please guide me and help me to use my advertising funds wisely. Amen.