Prayer For Women

Loving Father, I thank You that You are with me all the time and am so grateful for Your many precious promises that You will never leave me nor forsake me, and that Your everlasting arms are forever upholding me day by day and moment by moment, but Lord, times I feel so very alone, so isolated and helpless, with no man in my life to deal with issues with me, like sorting out tax returns or dealing with those little fiddly things, when the drains get blocked-up or the boiler stops working, or the toilet seat breaks!

Lord, I don't want to complain, for You have provided me with so much love and care throughout my whole life, but Lord at times I do feel so alone and so I pray that You would draw ever closer to me with every passing day and that You would not only equip me to deal competently with all the little fiddly things in life on my own, but also that You would fill the empty void that I feel, being a woman alone.

Thank You for the faithful brothers and sisters in Christ that I do have, whether far away or nearby, and thank You also for the members of my family that are so dear to me. Lord, help me to develop an attitude of gratitude day by day and moment by moment, for what I do have, rather then concentrating on my lack.

Help me to rejoice in the joys of my life rather than centring in on life's woes. Thank You most of all for dying for me on the cross and rising again the third day, and that by believing in You, I have eternal life and the hope of a heavenly future with You in heaven. Thank You in Jesus' name,


Heavenly Father, You are my joy and greatest delight. Help me to always treasure the precious relationship we share. Remind me of its cost, Lord the priceless blood of Your Son and keep me humble and thankful for Your grace. But let that beautiful message also draw me to you and motivate me in all I do. Let Your salvation be my true source of joy and strength as I live for you. Encourage me to be a loving wife even when I don't want to. Give me a longing for Your Word that I can be found daily seeking You in Scripture. Daily, Lord! Don't let me become complacent or forgetful but put the desire in my heart to be at Your feet learning and growing in the knowledge of grace and wisdom. Teach me Father! Open my eyes to the insights and riches of your Word, to understand how to be a wife that honors You. And when I am reminded of all you want me to be, don't let me suffer long in the discouragement of my sinful flesh. By Your soothing Word show me how everything for my salvation is finished, calm my burdened heart with the unchanging truth of Your vicarious atonement. My heart is Yours Jesus, not because I give it to you but because You have purchased it. What grace and mercy I have! Accept my love in grateful thanks, Amen.

Lord Jesus, You have redeemed me and made me Your precious daughter. Thank you for your gifts of grace, forgiveness and perfect love. Allow me to bask in those gifts and let them permeate every part of my life. Strengthen me through Your Word to be the wife you desire me to be, that I could honor you in my life and marriage. Strengthen our marriage to be a reflection of Your perfect love the radiance of grace and commitment that you have shown to us. Give me Your eyes to see my husband as precious soul for which you died; and give me Your heart to love him in response to the intimate love you have poured out on me. Forgive me when I fail Lord. In my stumbling and sin call me to account and drive me to the cross. Find me there, comfort me with your salvation and guide me on the path of righteousness so that everything I do brings glory to Your name and light to a dark world. You are my Savior and my God, whom I love and proclaim, Amen.

Lord God, you are the creator and giver of all good gifts. We thank you for the gift of marriage and the joy it brings to husbands and wives. Thank you for the gifts of companionship, children and intimacy, given that we might delight in these blessings from your hand. Thank you for those who live their marriages in a way that reflects your love and provides encouragement to others to see the beautiful design of your plan.

But Lord, there are also many who are hurting and struggling in their marriages. Relationships are filled with resentment, a feeling of loneliness and a lack of fulfillment. Forgiveness is smothered by blame and self-centeredness, while others long for healing with a spouse who is unwilling. Alcoholism, abuse and countless other sins divide partners and destroy souls. Father, reach in with your healing hand to change hearts. These are souls that you love, children that you have redeemed through the blood of Your Son, and marriages that you alone can restore. Comfort those who turn to you for help, and strengthen those who seek You in your Word. Remind us that we can trust you when we feel like we can trust no one, we can love and forgive only when we receive those gifts from you first. Grant wisdom and hope when it seems helpless and overwhelming. Be with those who are heart-broken and empty. Drive us to your Word where we find you, and let your grace bring us all that we need. In Jesus name, Amen.

Jesus, we come to You humbled by the struggles many girls face every day. Restore them to trusting relationships and self-confidence. Inspire leaders to create policies that address the causes of sexual exploitation and forced labor.

Dear Lord, as millions of women and girls continue to walk every day to collect water, walk beside them and keep them from harm. We pray for You to bless the work of organizations like World Vision that provide clean water so more women and girls can leave this task behind to lead more productive and meaningful lives.

Heavenly Father, You are good. You delight in us when we honor You in our work. Bring opportunities for employment or business that fulfills parents' desire to make life better for their children. Thank You for organizations that provide small-business loans to women. Bless these ventures so their families can live healthier, more secure lives.

Jesus, show Your compassion to the multitudes of girls and women who endure the damaging physical and relational effects of child marriage. Holy Spirit, help their husbands love them. Reveal alternatives to parents or change the hearts of those who consider giving up their daughters for social status or financial gain.