Prayer For Women's Conference

Dear Lord, we come before your throne of grace to say thank you for uniting us as women so that we can serve you and accomplish your plans in this world. It is not easy for women to come up together for a common purpose without there being any trace of strife or contention. Lord, give us strength that we may be able to stand firm as one and fulfill the plans you have set before us. Strengthen us in our inner being that we may be able to overcome all the attacks of the enemy. Lord, we love you, and we honor you. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.

Father in heaven, I thank you for all the women that have gathered here for the sake of your name. We have left our homes and families to come to this place so that we could unite as women who love Christ and study the word together. Your word says that we should build each other up, and that is what we are going to do during these sessions. Lord, may we become women who are grounded in your word. Please help us to follow the direction of the Holy Spirit in all that we do. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray, Amen.

Lord, your word says that unless you are the one who built a city, the builders build in vain. Establish the works of our hands during this conference, in our churches and homes. May the things that we learn today help us to continue being women that bring glory to your holy name. May our words, thoughts and actions align with your word. Lord, we thank you for your love and protection. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray, Amen.

Father, so many things happen that end up intimidating women who have committed themselves to serve you. The busyness of life and the attacks from the enemy cause many women to second-guess themselves, and some of them give up on the desire to serve you in ministry. Father God, let your divine power be upon women that are devoted to serving in different capacities all over the world. Remind them to be courageous when the storms of life are against them. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing a group of women who love Christ under one roof. We do not take this for granted. Your word says that if anyone lacks wisdom, they should ask and you will give them. Lord, give us understanding so that we may run this retreat in a way that glorifies your name. Put your words in our mouths that we may be able to edify and build each other up. Please help us to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray, Amen.

We come together to give you honour and praise. We ask that you would help us to draw close to you. Please come and speak your words of wisdom into our lives. Help us to embrace one another, our similarities, our differences, our concerns and our joys. We long for your touch on our lives, that we might be your hands and feet to the world. Inspire our hearts, heal our wounds, bring your peace into our worries and your hope into our disappointments. Come Lord and weave your love into our fellowship together, that we may overflow with grace and allow your truth to light up our lives anew. Amen.

As we gather here in the harbour of your safety We thank you for fellowship and family. We ask that you will strengthen us, restore us and inspire us with your love. Lord, would you fill us with your peace So that as we journey onwards We would pour out your love and grace to others. We ask that our souls would catch the wind of your spirit so that we would take your promises to all the earth. Amen.

Dear Lord, You walk beside us, each moment of each day. You know us by name, see each joy and sorrow. You created within us a gentle capacity to love and nurture. You gave us understanding and patience in a troubled world. You laid upon us the responsibility to carry and care for new life. You released us to run and dance, to sing and create. You crafted in us sharp minds that are able to solve problems and see possibilities. You desire each of us to live life to the full, embracing your love for us and extending grace to others. You gave your life so that we could walk free to build your kingdom on earth as in heaven. We lay our lives before you and trust in your unfailing love. Guide us, Heal us, Touch us, And lead us, To reflect more and more of you life within our own. Amen.