Prayer For Women's Meeting

Dear Lord, You walk beside us, each moment of each day. You know us by name, see each joy and sorrow. You created within us a gentle capacity to love and nurture. You gave us understanding and patience in a troubled world. You laid upon us the responsibility to carry and care for new life. You released us to run and dance, to sing and create. You crafted in us sharp minds that are able to solve problems and see possibilities. You desire each of us to live life to the full, embracing your love for us and extending grace to others. You gave your life so that we could walk free to build your kingdom on earth as in heaven. We lay our lives before you and trust in your unfailing love. Guide us, Heal us, Touch us, And lead us, To reflect more and more of you life within our own. Amen.

We come together to give you honour and praise. We ask that you would help us to draw close to you. Please come and speak your words of wisdom into our lives. Help us to embrace one another, our similarities, our differences, our concerns and our joys. We long for your touch on our lives, that we might be your hands and feet to the world. Inspire our hearts, heal our wounds, bring your peace into our worries and your hope into our disappointments. Come Lord and weave your love into our fellowship together, that we may overflow with grace and allow your truth to light up our lives anew. Amen.

Dear Lord, I thank You for this meeting and every individual here. I pray that You help us love one another as You have loved us. Let love be the foundation of this ladies' fellowship meeting. Let all disputes, questions and discussions be settled through love. In doing so, we can show others that we are true disciples of Christ; this is the prayer of our heart, Amen.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for this ladies' fellowship meeting and I pray that You help us be of one mind and of one accord. I pray that we will work together not for selfish reasons or trying to impress others but let us act in lowliness of mind. Let us see others to be more important than ourselves. Lord, I pray that in this meeting, help us to be motivated by Godly love rather than our own personal interests, Amen.

Dear Lord, I pray that all the women in this fellowship meeting, remain on guard, firm in faith and courageous. I ask that everything we do is done with love. I also pray that in this meeting, we will encourage and strengthen one another for the purpose of Your Kingdom. Help our hearts to be knitted together in love as we share in this meeting. Father be our compass and guide we pray, Amen.

Dear Lord, I pray that as we come together for divine purpose in this ladies' fellowship meeting, I pray against the plans of the enemy that seek to destroy our relationships with one another. Just as our fellowship is with the Father and Jesus Christ, I pray that during this meeting, our fellowship one with another will be in line with Your Word. So, bless this meeting we pray, Amen.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Your Name; Lord, I pray that You will help us remain united as we work to glorify Your kingdom in this ladies' fellowship meeting. Your Word says that two people are better off than one because they can help each other succeed, but, an individual alone has no companion to help in times of trouble. So, Lord I pray that we keep this mindset in line with Your Word, so that we can all be a blessing to one another, Amen.

Dear Lord, Your Word says that iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another. So right now, we pray for this ladies' fellowship meeting, that we will sharpen one another, just as iron sharpens iron. I also pray that as we share our aims and goals during this meeting, I ask that You help each one of us to be an oracle of You; this is the prayer of our hearts, Amen.