Prayer For Woodworkers

Oh Lord, so far today I've not cut myself nor anyone else. I've not coveted my neighbor's tools and I've not damaged any of mine. I've not been led into temptation to buy one of those fancy laser-guided saws like Norm uses. I've not messed up any of my projects nor had any cause to take Thy name in vain.

For this I give thanks. But, Lord, I'm gonna get out of bed pretty soon and then I'll need all the help You can offer..

Angels guide my hammer, angels guide my saw
Angels guide my working hands and all my planning thoughts.
Angels guide my planer, angels guide my lathe
So every night when work is done I leave the shop unscathed.

For as I do my daily work I lift my head and pray
That angels dance along my bench and guide my every way.
Be with me in the morning, and when the sun does set
Make sure the work that I do now is the best that I’ve done yet.

And when the day’s receding, and the stars begin to show
I know my work is guided by the Lord’s most loving glow,
Keep me safe while working, and let me do my best
And each day I will feel accomplished as I lay down to rest.

So angels guide my tools, and angels guide my hands
And I will bring to life the beauty of these simple plans.
For when I work with angels, I know my work is true
And I am doing what the Lord intended me to do.


O Lord, I ask You to grant me the vision to see the hidden art that You
placed in each stick of wood

The steadiness in my hands to guide the tools straight and true

The wisdom to layout the lines right the first time

The intelligence to keep my fingers out of the saw blades

The touch to sand each curve and corner just right

And the gentleness to make each stroke of my brush smooth and just

And most of all, let everyone feel the love that I put into every project I

Lord I ask this so I may follow in Your footsteps every day, both in work
and life, for You are the worlds best carpenter.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen