Prayer For Work Colleagues

Dear Lord, thank You for placing me in this particular position in my work and for the colleagues that you have seen fit to put alongside me. I pray that in all things, my life and my work will be a witness of Your grace and that I may honour You in the workplace, in all that I say and do. I pray that by Your grace, my work may be carried out efficiently, effectively and thoroughly, and I pray that in all things I may act wisely and fairly so that the name of Christ Jesus is not dishonoured by me.

Thank You for the gifts and abilities that You have given me and for the opportunity I have had to gain additional qualification and knowledge, which I may use to serve my employers better. I pray that all I do, in word and deed, may be pleasing to You O Lord, and of benefit to those with whom I work. I pray that You would underscore and oversee the many projects with which I am engaged, and may I demonstrate to others a life that is led and guided by the Holy Spirit of God.

Grant me a happy and gracious disposition in my work, and give me I pray, the wisdom I need for every decision I make. May the light and love of the Lord Jesus shine through me so that all with whom I come in contact today, desire to know the One in whom I have believed. May all I do be done faithfully and joyfully, and may I value all those who cross my path today. I ask this in the name of Jesus,


Father, I do thank You for the privilege we have in coming to Your throne of grace in prayer, so that we may seek You for help and comfort in time of need. Lord, I come to You today and lift up my work colleagues in prayer, who have singled me out as a target for persecution, simply because I believe in Your name. Lord, we are called to bless those that persecute us, to turn the other cheek, to bless and not to curse and so I ask Your blessing on each colleague who is doing all they can to bully and shame and humiliate me. Give me Your strength and grace to face this persecution each day and enable me, by Your Spirit, to love them and not to hate them, to bless and not to curse.

Father, I know that much can be wrought through prayer and I recognise that this is a spiritual battle that needs to be fought on my knees, and so I ask that by Your Holy Spirit You would turn this difficult situation into victory against the enemy, who seeks to destroy and isolate us. Lord, however long it takes, I pray that You would turn the hearts of those that are persecuting me, and warm them with the Spirit of truth. Convict them I pray, of their need of a Saviour.

Father, in my heart I know that the sarcasm, humiliation and persecution that I receive is in reality hatred against You and the Lord Jesus. Thank You, that You have deemed me worthy to fellowship in Your suffering. Turn this situation I pray, into one that glorifies Your holy name. In Jesus' name,


Heavenly Father, thank You for this new day and for the opportunities and challenges that will inevitably come my way. Lord, I pray that You would be with me in all I say and do, and help me to be a light shining in a dark place, where the Lord Jesus is seen in me.

Keep my mind alert and give me wisdom to know when to speak and when to remain silent. Guard the choices I make and may I rely on the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit, for Lord I know that You know the best plan for my life and I trust You to carry it out to its completion.

I ask Your special blessing on each of my work colleagues, and if an opportunity arises to witness about the truth of Scripture, help me to be ready to speak, slow to anger and able to share the truth of the gospel of grace, willing and ready to give an answer for the faith I have in You. Be my guard and guide in all things and may today be a day when You are glorified in my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Heavenly Father, I want to lift up all of my work colleagues to You, and pray Your grace and blessings on each one. Thank You, that you have placed me alongside these men and women, and I pray that You would give me the wisdom and words to glorify God in all I say and do. May the attitude I display towards each of these work colleagues be kind, gracious and seasoned with salt, so that I may honour Your holy name.

May I be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is in me when asked, and I pray that my life may be a true witness to Your grace and loving-kindness. Lord, I know that as Your child, my life is to be an open letter that speaks of You. Give me wisdom to know when to open my mouth and when to remain silent, and keep me I pray, from displaying actions and attitudes that would discredit Your holy name.

Thank You, Lord, for those of my workmates that already know You as Saviour. May they grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But I also lift up those colleagues of mine that have not accepted Jesus as their Saviour. I pray that many may come to trust in the finished work of Calvary and the blood of Christ Jesus our Lord, and turn to You as the their Saviour. This I ask in the name of Jesus,


Oh Father God, I am so distressed that one of my colleagues at work has been involved in a fatal accident. It is such a shock, not only to me and to my colleagues, but also to his dear wife and their children too.

Lord, we are all in shock and grieving at this tragic loss, and ask for Your comfort and strength as we all try to come to terms with what has happened, and how this life has been snatched away from us all, so suddenly.

Shine the light of Your hope and comfort into the hearts of all that have been affected by this very sad and sudden death, and I pray that You will provide all that is needful for his family, now that their bread-winner has been taken from them so suddenly and tragically.

May this be a reminder to us all of how very fragile our lives are, and also may it cause each of us to examine our own hearts to see where we stand with God. And Lord, for any who do not know You, I pray that this may be the catalyst to cause them to turn to Christ for their Salvation, for our only hope of eternal life is in You alone. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Heavenly Father, You know the very difficult time I am having at work and of the work colleagues who are so unkind and so difficult, who are seeking to do all they can to cause me problems and to discredit me in front of the management. Father, I come to You in prayer to ask for Your grace and strength so that I may face this ongoing barrage of daily criticism and cruelty with the spirit of Christ Jesus my Lord.

Father, I know that the Lord Jesus told us to love our enemies and to pray from those that persecute us and despitefully use us. Help me to have a forgiving heart and to pray as Jesus did on the cross about those that were crucifying Him, Father forgive them Spark in my heart Your spirit of forgiveness and Lord, I do truly ask Your blessing on them. Lord, I pray that they may come to know Jesus and that the hatred that they have in their hearts towards me may turn to a love for Jesus, and result in salvation for their souls.

Give me wisdom to know how to respond. Keep me from displaying fear or anger, but rather, may I show gentleness of spirit and grace in action that only comes from You. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient for this trial, and may You be glorified as I face these work colleagues in Your strength. In Jesus' name I pray,


Heavenly Father, thank You, that I am in Christ and that I am not of this world. Thank You, that I am seated with Christ in heavenly places and that my home is in heaven. Thank You, that I am Your child. And Lord, knowing that I am in the world but not of the world, I ask that You would give me the grace and wisdom to live in such a way as to glorify Your name in all I say and do.

Help me Lord, to pray for my work colleagues with a biblical mind-set. Help me not to despise the shame or ridicule that I am having to endure, but rather, I pray that I may demonstrate the sort of spirit that Christ Jesus my Lord showed when He learned obedience by the things that He had to suffer.

Lord, You know that there are problems at work, but I pray that I would face them in a manner that is pleasing to You, so that I may grow in grace and mature in the faith. Teach me Your ways and may I rest on Your faithful promises, no matter what hostility I receive from my work colleagues or any other area. Keep me ever looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith, in Whose name I pray,


God of Peace, working with others who lack understanding and wisdom can at times be hard, but I pray that I let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor, and slander be put away from me, along with all malice. I pray for peace among my co-workers, I pray that we will be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as You in Christ forgave me. Let every opportunity for thoughtless argument be diffused. Amen.