Prayer For Workers Day

Loving God, on this day we remember healthcare workers here in our own facilities and everywhere.
We pledge our prayerful support to all who give of themselves daily in the healing ministry of Jesus. As they work to cure, speak to soothe, and touch to heal in the power of the Holy Spirit, may they be renewed in their commitment of service to the healthcare ministry. Lay your gentle hand upon each of them as they touch others with your presence. We pray in your holy name. Amen.

Healing God, conscious that caregivers reflect your compassion, we honor them and pray for them in a special way today. We ask you to hold them in your tenderness, give them an assurance of your spirit of strength as they minister to your people, and be for them a sign and source of hope. Amen.

Lord God, Master of the Vineyard,

How wonderful that you have invited us
who labor by the sweat of our brow
to be workers in the vineyard
and assist your work
to shape the world around us.

As we seek to respond to this call,
make us attentive to those who seek work
but cannot find it.

Help us listen to the struggles of those
who work hard to provide for their families
but still have trouble making ends meet.

Open our eyes to the struggles of those exploited
and help us speak for just wages and safe conditions,
the freedom to organize, and time for renewal.
For work was made for humankind
and not humankind for work.
Let it not be a vehicle for exploitation
but a radiant expression of our human dignity.

Give all who labor listening hearts
that we may pause from our work
to receive your gift of rest.

Fill us with your Holy Spirit
that you might work through us to let your justice reign.

Dear God, on this Labor Day, we give You thanks for all those who work in stores and markets, in mines and fields, on ships and planes, in the armed forces, in factories and warehouses, in hospitals and churches, in offices and classrooms. God, we benefit from the labor of so many people, many of whom we never see. Thank You for their good work and faithful service. And thank You for our market economy that provides jobs and benefits to so many people. May our work always glorify You. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

God, maker of the universe,

who work moment by moment

to sustain Creation,

bless those who labor,

who work for the weal of the world.

For those whose unseen labor eases our lives

may we always be mindful and grateful.

For their diligence and pride in craft

and faithful service we render thanks.

For those who work for the sake

of people they will never see,

we ask your blessing.

For those who risk and suffer,

we ask your protection.

For those whose work is demeaning,

whose conditions are poor,

whose pay is unfair,

we pray for justice.

We give honor to those whose labor

is unseen and unrewarded.

We pray for those whose labor is forced,

without rest, or freedom or dignity;

for all who are coerced, endangered, enslaved,

exploited or abused: we cry for justice.

We pray for those who seek labor

and who find none,

who are prevented by their bodies

or their society from meaningful work.

We give thanks for all who labor,

and pray that all may know the blessing

of your Sabbath gift of rest.

Holy One, you who labor for our life,

bless our work, that it may serve you

and the mending of the world.


God Almighty, maker of the universe,

who continues to work moment by moment

to sustain your glorious creation,

and who invites us to be co-creators with you,

We give you thanks.

For the work you give each of us to do,

And the enrichment we find

through working for your purposes,

and not for our own selfish desires,

We give you thanks and praise.

Bless those whose unseen and unrewarded labor eases our lives.

And those who work for the sake of people they will never see,

May we always be mindful of their hard work and sacrifice,

And be grateful for their diligence.

For their faithful service we give you thanks.

For those whose labor is forced, without rest, or freedom or dignity;

And those who are prevented by their disabilities whether of body or mind,

or by their society because of color or creed from meaningful work.

We ask your merciful blessing.

For those who risk life and suffer hardship,

Especially in fire and flood and disaster,

To accomplish their work.

For those who seek labor

and who find none.

We ask your protection.

For those whose work is demeaning,

whose conditions are poor,

whose pay is unfair,

and for all who are coerced, endangered, enslaved,

exploited or abused:

We pray for justice.

We give thanks for all who labor,

and pray that all may know the blessing

of your Sabbath gift of rest.

Holy One, you who labor for our life,

bless our work, that it may serve you

and the mending of the world.


Bless the work of our hands, O God.
Bless the hands that work the land;

hands that move earth, plant seeds and harvest,

hands with callouses and dirty fingernails, strong hands.

Bless the hands that use machines;

hands that drive cars, trucks and forklifts,

hands on computer keyboards, capable hands.

Bless the hands that make things;

hands that manufacture and create,

working wood and metal and plastic, practical hands.

Bless the hands that clean;

hands that wash, mop and scrub,

hands that know what to do with soap, determined hands.

Bless the hands that make music and art;

hands that play instruments and hold paintbrushes,

hands that are creative tools, artistic hands.

Bless the hands that care for people;

hands that cook and feed, heal and nurture,

hands with a gentle touch, loving hands.

Bless the hands that are generous;

hands that give away money and food,

hands that are always trying to be empty, Christ-like hands.

Bless the tiny, baby hands.

Bless the strong adult hands.

Bless the hands that are folded in prayer.

Bless the hands that are lifted in praise.

Our hands do the work of your hands,

O God our Creator. Amen.

Creator Lord, the source of all wisdom and purpose, and the blessing of those who labor; be with us in our work to guide and govern our world. Give to all people work that enhances human dignity and bonds us to one another. Give us pride in our work, a fair return for our labor, and joy in knowing that our work finds its source in you; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

O God, through human labors you continually perfect the immense work of your creation. Listen to the prayers of your people, and grant to everyone employment that calls us to our best and unite us with each other, so that we can serve our brothers and sisters, and your world, through our work. This we ask through your Son Jesus Christ, who lives in unity with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.

Almighty God, whose Son Jesus Christ in his earthly life shared our toil and hallowed our labor: Be present with your people where they work; make those who carry on the industries and commerce of his land responsive to your will; and give to us all a pride in what we do, and a just return for our labor; through Jesus Chris tour Lord, who lives and reigns with you , in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.