Prayer For Success In Life

Loving Heavenly Father, I come to you today because I want to seek Your will for my life rather than following my own direction in life, as I know that in my heart I can stray from Your best path.

Lord, I want to be successful in what I turn my hand to because I want to do everything as unto You. And so today, I come to lay the desires of my heart before You and to ask that in Your grace, You will forward the plans I have for my life, in a way that is best pleasing to You.

Lead me Lord in the way of Your choosing, as I lay before You the hopes and dreams of my heart, which I would dearly love to fulfil. I surrender all these dreams to You, praying that you will guide me in the path that is best suited to carry out Your best work in me.

I ask this the name of the Lord Jesus,


Loving Lord, I know that all things come from You and You hold all things together, not only in the vastness of the universe, but in my own simple life too. Help me I pray, to plan my future career carefully and wisely, and may I follow the path in my chosen career that honours you.

Watch over all my plans and all that I say and do in my dealings with others. Show me how to give of my best and not to shirk hard work, but gladly fulfil all the duties and responsibilities of life in a gracious and discerning way.

Govern my actions, guard my tongue, bless my efforts, guide my decisions and help me to produce the best, so that in my life and career, I may honour Your name. In Jesus' name,


Dear Lord Jesus, I know that somewhere in the Bible it says that we are to enlarge our tents and stretch forth the curtains of our dwelling, to lengthen the cords and to strengthen the stakes. Father, I ask that You would lead me to enlarge the tent of my life and give me the vision to spread forth my wings and fly in the direction that You would have me go.

Help me to grow in grace and wisdom as I step out into an unknown future. Be with me Lord I pray, and give me success in all I do, for I want to be pleasing in Your sight. May I be used of You to reach out in whatever direction I go, not for my own credit but to Your praise and glory. I ask this in Jesus' name,



Today we come to You in awe of the way You define success, the purpose You have planned for us, and the faith it takes to walk in that purpose.

Thank you for the blessings that abound in our lives. Help us to look at our lives through Your lens, without outside influence, in true appreciation for what You are doing in our small corner of the world, within the walls of our house, and with the gifts and talents that You have given us. We pray to be good stewards of our time, treasures and talents

Thank you for another day to fill our lungs with air and ponder the Truth of Your Word and Your love for us. Forgive us for taking that simple pleasure for granted. Adjust our perspective to align with Yours.

As we seek to be successful, guide us to Your definition over the push and pressure of what the world and our society deems it to be. Stir our hearts to sit in prayer and spend time with You each day before we walk out into the day. Arm our minds and guard our hearts with the Truth of Your Word. Help us to find our place to serve and reach out to others, whether in our careers, families, hobbies, or volunteer work.

Open our eyes that we may see success in the light of Your love. 1 Peter 4:8 commands to love above all else. We pray, today, for Your vision for our success. Help us to be astute to the call on our hearts and the stirrings in our souls. Motivate us to do the next instruction You give, or continue doing the last one we remember. Allow us to hear Your voice above all others.

Success is so often defined individually, but we were not put here on earth alone. Relationships are important. You have placed people in our lives for a reason.

Create a generous and peaceable heart in us that looks to You first when making decisions life. Let us not accumulate people for what they can do for us or discount relationships because they are not filling us up. Instead, may we look to you to fill the cup of our success in every area of our lives: monetarily, relationally, health-wise, and in stewardship of our daily schedules. Help us to look outward with a servant heart, instead of what we can get out of life.

Bless us with hearts that have confidence in You, as Jeremiah 17:7 speaks of. Let us look to You for provision and relief of the frustration of comparison and failures. Regardless of where you have placed us in our communities, helps us to know, assuredly, that we are where we are for a reasonfor Your reason. That may mean monetary wealth and worldwide fame. It may mean that no one knows who we are outside of our small little town. The beauty of Your heart is that no one person is more important or less loved than the next.

Help us to define success in terms of Your love, for You are love and You love us. That is our purpose on this earth, to spread the love, joy, and hope that is made possible for all to abide in, through the selfless sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus, on the cross. Redefine success in our lives, Lord. Come like a flood.

In Jesus' Name,

Lord, I want to succeed in my life and in my relationships. Balance is something I am always seeking so I can be successful in every area. Help me not to put work, hobbies, or other activities ahead of You, my family, or my relationships, but to keep You in the center as the hub of my life. Teach me Your priorities and help me keep them in the right place. Everything must revolve around You, Lord.

Bless my efforts to succeed, and may excellence, not perfectionism, drive my desires. Make me not only successful, but usefula vessel of honor to be shared and poured out for You and Your kingdom. Thank You that Your plans for me are beyond what I could possibly ask or hope or imagine. You actually want me to succeed so I can give You all the praise, honor, and glory. I can do nothing without You, Lord.

When seasons of difficulties or interruptions creep into my life, help me to see them as opportunities to develop patience and persistence. You have given me every piece of armor I need to fight internal or external battles, and You have promised that nothing formed against me will prosper. You know my beginning and when my life will end. You started the work in me, and it's You Who will make it successful. You will complete that work as I simply abide in You, walk humbly and honestly, committing my life and all my plans to You. Teach me to value and honor the ebb and flow of life that includes celebration, joy, pause, and reflection.

Because Your plans and Your ways are not like mine, Your idea of success for my life may not make sense to me at times. But as a faithful, sovereign God, You hold it all, including permission to change me or my circumstances to fit Your plans for my life. Fill me with Your power, Your grace, and Your love, so that I can be at peace as much as is possible with every relationship and every aspect of my life. Help me to know and do Your will, Lordso that any success You give me will in turn bring You the glory You so deserve. What I desire most is to come to the end of my life and hear Your Well Done! That's true success to me.

In Jesus' precious name,


Lord, today I'm asking You to help me succeed as a student. I believe You are the Dream-maker, the Cultivator, and the Fulfiller of all worthy dreams. You have been the Designer of my plans all along, and it's You who will make them successful. Help me to focus on my schoolwork, to listen carefully and show respect for my teachers and professors, and to receive correction well in areas where I'm wrong or haven't yet mastered.

I know I am more than a student; I am a life-long learner and Your ambassador on mission wherever I go. Refine my abilities; hone my character; and help me choose wisely the areas of study that will make my life work successful. Keep me organized and free of distractions so I can focus on school. Show me how to listen more and then share freely when it will encourage others or make a difference to those who hear. Help me to honor You in my friendships at school and to be ready to lend a hand when others are struggling in their studies or in their lives. Help me sow seeds of kindness, excellence, and honesty. If my faith is challenged, give me courage to stand for You, no matter what the consequences.

I want to learn, Lord. I am eager to unwrap the gifts You have given me. With each new skill I acquire, help me to apply that learning to real life as well. Let knowledge, understanding, and common sense form a bond together with Your Word that will guard me against temptation. Keep the deceiver away from my heart as I choose to walk with You daily. Help me find moments in the flurry of school activities and crazy schedules to simply be still and know that You are God.

Protect me from a prideful ego and let humility lead me in the path of success You have carved out for me. You have given me a unique place in Your kingdom, and I trust You to open doors that I cannot open myself. Help me not to turn to the left or right but to follow You daily. When anxious thoughts or fear of failure threaten to overtake me, I will rest in You and Your promise of success for my life. Only You know what that success really means, but when You are on my side, I cannot fail.

Lord, You have promised that if we will commit our work to You, You will make it succeed. So today, I dedicate every aspect of that work to You. I need Your wisdom daily to make the right choices, ones that require fairness, integrity, and a servant spirit. From the start of every work day, I want to begin and end with You, knowing that You will guide every step and every decision I make. Throughout the day, remind me that You are in charge, not me. May I do all things with excellence at work as if I am doing them for You, Lord.

I want Your goals to be my goals, and Your purposes, mine. Give me a learning spirit so I can constantly increase the skills You have given me to honor You and bring You glory. I know I am not to neglect those gifts You have placed within me, but that I am to watch myself closely to keep ambition in its right place and temptation at bay.

Keep reminding me that people are more important than work projects, and that You not only want me to succeed, but You desire for me to help make others successful. Whether it's my employer or a co-worker, help me see them as Your creations, worthy of respect and thoughtfulness. We all matter to You, God. If I am treated unfairly at work, may I still reflect You in every way and keep my eyes on You. I know Your idea of success and mine may differ, and that to You, godly character is more important than completion of my goals. Help me to work hard with patience and persistence, shunning laziness and embracing a thankful spirit for the employment You have given me.

No matter who signs my paycheck, and no matter how high or how low the ladder I'm on right now, I look to You as my ultimate Employer. I know that viewing You as my Boss, will not necessarily increase my salary or change my work conditions, but it will change meand that You pay great benefits. Serving You will put a smile on my face, allow my best work to shine through, and will insure that success belongs to YouYour way and Your time. I pledge to do the best that I can with what You have given me, Lord. May Your plans become the desires of my heartand may my work always be a success for You.

Lord, Your word teaches each of us that it is acceptable to ask for a successful, blessed life. Expand our borders, Precious Lord, and let us find prosperity and success in this gift of life we have been given. You said that You came that we may have life, and that we may have it more abundantly. Please grant us that abundant life, God. Let my life be pleasing to You in all ways, and in all things, so that I will be able to receive the fullness of Your blessings both in this life and in the life to come. Amen.