Prayer For Success In Sports

Father, I thank you for my ability and my coaches. You have given me the strength and ability to compete on such a level. I lift my voice to you, so that in every win and loss, we will glorify your name. May our love and conviction in the game be seen in our love for you. Every time we put on our uniform, tie our shoe laces, and step out of the locker room, I ask that you look out for our safety. There is always risk of injury in our sport. Help us remember that you have given us this ability so we don't become consumed with pride and arrogance.

Under your authority, help us respect and honor our teammates, competitors, and coaches. Give us the honor and integrity to continue to abide by the rules of the game. Make us humble in both victory and loss so we don't embarrass ourselves or others. Show me the ambitions of other teammates so we can work towards achieving that goal. Whether I win or not, thank you for giving me this ability to play such an outstanding game. I pray in the name of Christ, our Lord.


Heavenly Father, I thank you for the incredible talents you have given to us. We acknowledge that it is all for your glory, and everything we are is because of you. Allow us to be fair as we play, and help us to remain strong throughout the game. I pray that you will help us to be our best out there in the field so that we shall display your glory to the rest of the world. I also ask you to protect us from accidents that happen during this event. We ask you to be our source of strength even when we feel pushed into a corner by our opponents. Father, grant us the ability to learn new spiritual aspects every time we go out there. Holy King, as you are the source of all that is good, help us to show your love to our opponents even if they defeat us. As you have granted us the grace to acknowledge you as our father, help us to set a positive example as we use the talents you have bestowed upon us. Remind us that we rely on you, and you alone, for our skills and endurance. I pray that we shall experience nothing but joy and happiness from this experience. We do this in your holy name.


My father in heaven, I praise you for having bestowed so many different talents to these gifted athletes. I want to thank you for giving these people this expertise and allowing me to witness their incredible feats. You are the author of perfection, and I ask of you to grant these people the spirit of endurance as they play. Allow these athletes to conduct themselves with respect for each other and the game. Give them strength to prevent any injury. If my team or country becomes defeated or victorious, help keep everyone civil and courteous to each other. God, please give them the grace to set a good example for athletes everywhere. Through Jesus's name I pray.


Lord God, I come before you today to ask for success in my new business venture. Help me pull the plow of progress, and perform my duties in an honorable way.

Please Lord, bless me with abundance so that I may honor you with good works by supporting my community.

I trust You in all things. In your name I pray,


Almighty God, We praise your name, we lift you high with every move, each throw we make and with the celebration of every point we score. Please bless our team with passion for this wonderful sport, with unity of heart and mind and with a vision to try our hardest. May we be focused on carrying the legacy of your great love in our lives as we play today. Amen.

Lord, You have watched them grow in our care, to develop and flourish and to find their own way. Bless them today as they go into this sporting event. May they seek to be the best they can be and push themselves to new excellence. Come guard their hearts, their minds and their souls with the gentleness of your grace, that they might be humble in victory and gracious in defeat. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Dear God, Please take this moment in my life and use me to give you glory and praise. Take my passion for this sport, may it light up with your love. Take the hours of training and my commitment to excellence. Please use it to bring joy and inspiration to others. Take my desire to be the best in sport I can be. May you speak your truth and hope through me. In Jesus name, Amen.

Dear Father!I praise You and honour You as my Lord! You are in control of all things! Even now Lord You know how important this sports event is for me.Lord! The Scripture says that we are more than conquerors through You. You are the only all powerful and wise God. I trust You to grant me victory in this field O Lord it is nothing for You to help a weak person. I do not rely on my strength or ability Lord! I humble myself and I choose to place all my confidence in You and none in my flesh.Lord! Grant me robust health and keep me physically fit to achieve success in my efforts. Let Your name alone be glorified through my victory Lord! Please let me prove to the world that I am the child of the Almighty.I have the confidence that I can do everything through You. Strengthen me O Lord and let me shine for Your glory. Protect me from all harm and danger. I pray all this in the most precious name of Jesus my Saviour, Lord and friend.Amen.