Prayer For Principal Of School

God of Truth, Wisdom and Light,
You gave us your power and your might.
St Columba is our patron saint from another land,
He teaches us how to offer a friendly, helpful hand.

Archbishop James Duhig laid the foundation stone,
To build a school community with a Catholic tone.
Mother Mary Cuthbert Cullinan was a Good Samaritan nun,
The first Principal of our school who made learning fun.

We, the community of St Columba's are very proud,
Because differences are valued and asking is allowed.
Give us courage to choose what is right and just for all,
Learning to live and work together is our Christian call.

Bless us on our journey of life, now and forever,
As we live by our motto, God's Glory Always'. Amen

Almighty God, because we love our children, because our hearts yearn for their schools, we cannot remain silent. We will not stop praying until their righteousness shines like the dawn, and their salvation blazes like a burning torch. May they be called the Holy People and the People Redeemed by the Lord. And may their schools be known as the Desirable Place and the City No Longer Forsaken (Isaiah 62:1, 12). In Jesus' name, amen.

Almighty God, You have given my kids all the talents, abilities, and spiritual gifts they need to follow Your plan for their lives. Lord, help them use those gifts to serve You first and others second, so that Your will is accomplished in their lives. Lord, fill their lives with trusted teachers and advisers who can lead them toward You and Your promises. Help them turn to you as they learn and grow so they can lead fruitful and prosperous lives. Amen.

Lord, I pray the students in this school would show proper respect for the authorities you have placed over them and recognize all authority comes from you. Help them to speak and act in a way that is respectful of all teachers, administrators, and other school staff. Amen

Father, I pray for the salvation of all the teachers in my school. (Romans 5:8). Please arrange
divine appointments for them that they may encounter You and Your Word.

Lord, please comfort learners who feel rejected by their peers or teachers. Give them people in
their lives who will love them unconditionally. (Isaiah 1:17). Lord, please encourage learners
who are struggling and show their teachers and parents how to help them. (1 Thessalonians
5:14). Father, we ask for more Mathematics and Science teachers able to convey difficult concepts
in simple ways to children.

Oh God, we Your children remember that
we are always in Your holy presence and rejoice
in the promise that You watch over us.
As we reflect on Christ's guidance as both Servant and Teacher,
we ask You to help direct the search and selection
for a new principal of Catholic High School.
We ask for guidance as we seek someone who
will uphold the wisdom and traditions of the Christian Brothers
and Carmelite Sisters and lead us as
we work and pray to be a community that
reflects the love justice and peace of Your kingdom.

Loving God, source of life and protector of children,
We give you thanks for the gifts that flow
abundantly into our lives;
for the children entrusted to our care;
for gifted and committed colleagues.
Together, we share the good news of Jesus Christ.
We embrace the gifts of the Holy Spirit:
Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Knowledge,
Fortitude, Piety, Fear of the Lord.
Through these gifts,
Empower us to be leaders and ministers of the Gospel.
May we be rich in hope,
Steadfast in faith,
And one in mind and heart.
We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ,
Our master teacher who welcomed and gathered the children.