Prayer For Prison Inmate

I need you God.
I know that I will have much time to seek you as I serve my sentence.
I will seek you Lord.
I take my bible, I will sing your praise and I will remember your promises.
You have already forgiven me, for you have laid down your life so that mine might be saved.
Now in the hardship of prison, I will seek life, I will look for you in the darkness because you are always a bright light.
I will look for the gifts in this experience, and trust that you will keep me, nurture me and change me.
Thank you that you walk with me always.



You have found me, you have forgiven me and you love me. I walk upon these truths, I set my feet firmly upon the rock of Jesus. As I leave jail I place my hand into the hand of Christ that I might led by his Spirit. Come guard my mind, let it be filled with praise, may it be full of songs of goodness that declare I am made new. And Lord, as I am freed from this physical prison, might I know your freedom in my soul. Help me to rebuild my life, to pour out love and goodness always and to seek a new pathway for my life.


Lord, I know only too well the path that has led each prisoner to be convicted of their crime and confined to a prison cell, but I pray that in Your grace and mercy, You would reach out to all such men and women. Send labourers into this harvest field to share the good news of the gospel of Christ.

Prepare each heart to receive the message of Salvation with joy and hope, and may many prisoners be brought into a saving faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.


Heavenly Father, I lift up the many people that have devoted their lives to ministering to men and women in our prisons and pray that you would use their life and witness to draw many into a saving relationship and faith in Jesus Christ.


When my heart whispered, Seek God, my whole being replied, I'm seeking Him! Don't hide from me now.
I didn't know it before, but I know now that You've always been right here for me; don't turn Your back on me now. Don't throw me out and don't abandon me; You've always kept the door open.

Thank You for sending ministers to tell me about You and Your love for me.

My children say they hate me; they feel abandoned and alone. Even though their father/mother walked away from them, I ask You, Father, to take them in. Amen

Lord of the harvest, I ask You to send laborers of the harvest and wise counselors to my children, who have been hurt by my actions. I have sinned against You, against my children, and against myself. I repent of the sins that have so easily beset me and ask You to forgive me. Amen

Thank You for the one who has assumed responsibility for my children while I am away. I pray that You will strengthen him/her and fill him/her with Your Spirit Who gives him/her great wisdom, ability, and skill in rearing the children You gave to me. I repent for failing to assume my responsibility to my children, and I ask You to reward the one who is taking care of them.

His/her mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of his/her heart shall be understanding. I thank You that he/she is in Christ Jesus, Who has been made unto him/her wisdom from You his/her righteousness, holiness, and redemption. He/she is filled with the knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so that he/she may live a life worthy of You and may please You in every way, bearing fruit in every good work. Amen

Father, I am responsible for my own actions, and I recognize that what I have done has hurt my entire family. Forgive me for dishonoring You, my family, my friends, and my children. Give me the grace to pay my debt and do my assigned work as unto You. Help me to develop diligence and patience, giving myself to prayer, study, and meditation in Your Word.

Lord, there is violence within these walls, but I look to You. Hide me in the secret place of Your presence from the plots of others.

In Jesus' name, amen.