Prayer For Prisoners

O God, early in the morning I cry to you.
Help me to pray
And to concentrate my thoughts on you;
I cannot do this alone.

In me there is darkness,
But with you there is light;
I am lonely, but you do not leave me;

I am feeble in heart, but with you there is help;
I am restless, but with you there is peace.
In me there is bitterness, but with you there is patience;
I do not understand your ways,
But you know the way for me. Amen

O Heavenly Father,
I praise and thank you
For rest in the night;
I praise and thank you for this new day;
I praise and thank you for all your goodness
and faithfulness throughout my life.

You have granted me many blessings;
Now let me also accept what is hard from your hand.
You will lay on me no more than I can bear.
You make all things work together for good for your children. Amen

Lord Jesus Christ,
You were poor and in distress, a captive and forsaken as I am.

You know all man's troubles;
You abide with me when all men fail me;
You remember and seek me;
It is your will that I should know you and turn to you.
Lord, I hear your call and follow;
Help me. Amen

O Holy Spirit,
Give me faith that will protect me
from despair, from passions, and from vice;
Give me such love for God and men
as will blot out all hatred and bitterness;
Give me the hope that will deliver me
from fear and faint-heartedness.


Thank You, Father, that there is no crime so great that You cannot forgive and no sin too big that it is beyond the power of the blood of Christ to cleanse completely.

Where there is a feeling of hopelessness in the heart of any prisoner or a doubt that God could ever forgive their particular crime, I pray that You would convict them of their need to turn to Christ for forgiveness and to believe on His redemptive work on the cross, knowing that He is willing and able not only to forgive all their sins, but to clothe each one in His own garment of righteousness, simply by believing in Jesus Christ as Saviour.

Thank You, Father. In Jesus' name I pray,


Lord, You alone can change the heart. You alone can convict a man of his sins. You alone can bring my husband to the point where he renounces his criminal-type life-style and lives a normal life. Lord, I believe that You are the God of the impossible and so I lay the life of my husband before You and pray that in Your mercy You would step into his life and bring him to Yourself, for nothing but You can break the power of sin in his life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Lord, I pray that You would be with each one in their imprisonment. Break any bonds of fear and bitterness, and may the love of Jesus be shown forth in their actions and attitudes, so that the people around them, recognise that there is something very special about them, and the God Whom they serve.

Set each one free, I pray, not only from their physical incarceration but also from their spiritual prison. Help them to rest in the Lord Jesus, knowing that in a small part they are participating in the fellowship of His suffering.

Use each one as a witness of Jesus Christ, and may many be drawn into the kingdom of God, simply because of their gracious love they display in their time of great difficulty. In Jesus' name,


Loving Heavenly Father, I pray for the many Christians who are being held in prisons, both at home and abroad, simply because they trust in the Lord Jesus as Saviour, many of whom have been falsely accused of crimes or deliberately set up to fall foul of the law, simply because they are believers in Your name.
