Prayer For Principals Of Schools

Father, Thank you for pulling me out of the darkness and into the light. I know that I have not reached the full light of day yet but with you as my rescuer, my friend and guide, I know I am travelling in the right direction. Help me in my struggle, to avoid dark paths and things that tempt me to leave your side. Keep me conscious of the way I should act and how I should speak as a follower of you. Use me to encourage others to be aware of your light, to see that light and to step into life with you. In Jesus name we ask. Amen

Father God, Thankyou for the promise that you will never leave us nor forsake us and that especially in this time how close you have been. We pray for opportunities to spread your love and show people your loving nature. Amen

We pray Lord Jesus.
We are one.
We are your people.
Bless St Joseph's School and our homes
with your presence.
Bless our hearts with your love.
Bless our hopes and dreams and joys.
Bless our families with good health and
We pray for peace throughout the world.

Dear Angel families,

As we confront the struggles ahead, we ask for you to reflect on our many blessings. Please remember those that are needing support and love during this time. May God grant them the strength and courage to persevere and remain hopeful.

May we who are merely inconvenienced, remember those whose lives are at stake.

May we who have no risk factors, remember those most vulnerable.

May we who have the luxury of working from home, remember those who must choose between preserving their health or making their rent. Amen

We pray for patience and wisdom for our administrators when complaints arise from parents. Give them the grace to listen. We pray for parents that they will be reasonable and willing to listen . We pray that parents will first communicate with their child's teacher before escalating their complaint. Make parents aware that the school is working in the best interest of all as they seek practical solutions to improve the situation.

When tragedy strikes in the school community, such as the death of a student or a natural disaster, help our administrators to be instruments of comfort and stability, bringing the faculty and school community together in ways that will allow your caring presence to be known and shown in healing ways.

We pray for our school administrator's role in keeping our school campuses safe from violence, threats and bullying. May your protecting angels surround them and our schools.

We pray that our school administrators may have wisdom and discernment as they deal with discipline problems. Give them the information necessary about the special needs of individual students so they can decide the best course of action that will keep the classroom safe, orderly and stress free and at the same time help the disorderly student grow in their ability to develop appropriate behavior and coping skills. And when outside resources are needed such as psychological help or special accommodations, we pray that they may be readily available to our administrators. Amen

Dear God, we come to you today asking your blessing on our school administrators. Thank you that they have answered the call to lead our teachers and schools so that our children might learn in a safe and nurturing environment conducive to academic and personal success.

Bless our school administrators with wisdom, integrity, a sense of humor, patience and the physical and mental energy equal to their tasks. Bless them with strong support from parents, teachers and the community.

Enable and empower our administrators to act as encouragers for our teachers, parents and students. May they be approachable, friendly and professional as they support our teachers. Give them insights into each teacher's unique gifts, strengths and abilities so that they might engage each teacher in roles that contribute to the common good. Amen

As we pray, we are aware that being a school administrator can be a lonely and difficult job. Please send them encouragers and relieve them of demanding workloads that prevent them from having quality family and personal time. Show them healthy ways to relieve stress and ways to stay active physically. Help them feel loved and accepted by You in their most difficult professional and personal times.

Reward our school administrators by allowing them see the fruits of their labor displayed in the success of their teachers and students. Give our school administrators joy in seeing their school become a central part of the greater community, a place that has a family feel.

Accept our prayer today as an expression of our gratefulness to you and to them for their dedication in making our schools a central and vital part of our community. Amen

Dear God, we come to you today asking your blessing on our school administrators. Thank you that they have answered the call to lead our teachers and schools so that our children might learn in a safe and nurturing environment conducive to academic and personal success.

Bless our school administrators with wisdom, integrity, a sense of humor, patience and the physical and mental energy equal to their tasks. Bless them with strong support from parents, teachers and the community.

Give them insights into each teacher's unique gifts, strengths and abilities so that they might use each teacher in ways that contribute greatly to the common good. Reward them by allowing them see the fruits of their labor displayed in the success of their teachers and students. Accept our prayer today as an expression of our gratefulness to you and to them for their dedication in making our schools a central and vital part of our community.
