Prayer For Prayer Meeting

Lord, bless us all here present and these Your gifts
which we are about to receive and those we have received from Your
goodness. We ask this in Your Name. Amen.

God, our Father, we wish to thank You and those who planned
and guided the activities of our meeting and all those who contributed
in any way to its fruition.
May Your Holy Spirit bide and strengthen us in this coming
year. Make the knowledge and skills we have gained be effective in
promoting good seamanship.
Bless these gifts, which we are about to receive and see us
safely home. Amen.

Almighty and Eternal God, send Your Holy Spirit upon each of
us as we plan our activities this year.
Help us prepare for the challenges, which we may face in this
boating season. Sharpen our skills for our own well-being and for the
safety of those whom we serve.
And now, bless us, O Lord, and these Your gifts which we are
about to receive from Your bounty. Amen.